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pretty boys coming through <3

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sugawara: guys i'm bored. talk about ur love life lol

akaashi: um well i'm dating bokuto

kenma: i'm (unfortunately) dating kuroo

oikawa: i'm dating iwa-chan <3

oikawa: he just doesn't know it yet </3

yahaba took a screenshot

yahaba: that's a mystery tool we can use for later! ;)

oikawa: you sly little bitch

akaashi: as you should yahaba ‼️

yahaba: 😛🙏

kenma: oh shit wait

kenma: it's kuroo's birthday tomorrow bye


kenma: i haven't gotten him anything fuck

oikawa: give him you ;)

kenma: .

kenma: he may not look like it, but kuroo is a chemistry nerd. not a sex god.

kenma: unfortunately

akaashi: oh so you bold bold today huh

kenma: shutup

akaashi took a screenshot of the chat

yahaba: as you should <3

akaashi: that's my birthday present to kuroo lol

kenma: fgs

kenma is offline

sugawara: i already got my present :')

kageyama: um i haven't 😃

semi: i don't even know him 😁

kageyama: i'm gonna go get a present for kuroo-san later 👋

akaashi: bye kageyama :)

sugawara: wait let me see what your gonna get him

sugawara: oh shit don't get him a pencilcase  i'm coming with you

kageyama & sugawara are offline

akaashi: well anyways..

yahaba: cough cough

atsumu: omg who's birthday

oikawa: ur a bit late 😁🙏

atsumu: sorry :( i was with omi-kun

oikawa: omi-kun my ass.

oikawa: wait who the fuck is omi-kun

oikawa: is he your fuck buddy ;)

atsumu: no lmfao he's just a friend

akaashi: that's what they all say

koganegawa: atsumu it's okay to admit it 👋

atsumu: not y'all ganging up on me like this

yahaba: as we should

shirabu: um

shirabu: k bye

shirabu is offline

semi: huh

semi is offline

oikawa: not them fucking again

akaashi: fr-

atsumu: damn

a/n short chapter because i have exams :( my phone is working now :D but it's still not completely fixed so updates will be a bit messy </3

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2020 ⏰

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