Chapter six

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Latvia's pov
(Side note) I've been starting to kinda ship latvia and norway together but i still ship latvia and Denmark xD
I was walking to class when i bumped into someone,i look up to see it was my friend norway, "oh sorry lat!" He brushes himself off then continue's walking to class before i get the chance to say anything, i walk over to my class with mr. Europe, he's nice i guess well nicer to the countries that are part of the eu so that includes me but eh im not complaining! I go sit down in my seat and wait for class to begin.

Norway's POV

After the little incident with Latvia i just left,i was and well still am quite embarrassed about that. I have a big crush on her, have for a while now, anyways i sit down and wait for class to start.

Timeskip brought to you by Imantā yelling at Lupset :)

Latvia's POV (again)

It was lunch now, there was nothing interesting in class like always, other than the fact Amerikā's states had called him in the middle of class- but ehhHhH i get my lunch then go sit with Polijā,Igaunijā and Lietuvieti, I see another country walk over to Polijā and whisper something into his ear? Mk then. He looks over at us, "is it okay if my friend Niemcy sits with us??" I nod then look over at my siblings who do the same, this "niemcy" person sits down next to Polijā, "Guten tag! Im Germany, please don't think im like my mother, and i hope we can get along." He seemed so...calm? I dunno Igaunija introduces herself first, then lietuvieti then finally me, "Švaki! Im Latvijā, im the middle sibling, older then estonia but younger then lithuania! Pleasure to meet you Vācia!!" He smiles then starts talking with Polijā while i talk with my sibling's about how my birthday is coming up! (The time im writing this its a week till Latvia's national day\November 18 ;-;) after we finish eating we all go to the garden to chill over there, actually Polijā and Vācia went to go hang out with there other friends so its just me and my siblings.
Polijā = Poland
Vācia = Germany
Igaunijā = Estonia
Lietuvieti = Lithuania

Ima try upload like normal again but i have he-i mean skoOl to deal with so yeah- Christmas break is soon though so i can upload normal again, im also doing a Christmas animation so that might stop me from updating, anyways good night/morning/day!!

-Author (Imantā)


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