Noted and Headcanons

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This story line is mostly based on transformers prime, specifically right after Chilfjumper gets killed, but with one major inclusion of idw and that is Deathzarus and his team of rouge Decepticons. During the beginning of the war Megatron ordered his most powerful general Deathzarus to force his troops on a suicide attack. He responded with nearly killing Megatron and taking his troops on two ships and leaving. He also took Overlord the governor and butcher of garis-9 on the promise that if possible he would kill Megatron, his life's goal. After the exodus Deathzarus returned with some 654 Decepticons and war criminals that he had picked up just to find cybertron deserted and taken over by the insecticons under Kickback and his puppet queen Toxin. They joined Deathzarus as they were promised energon and a good portion of the profits of their piracy. Deathzarus also picked up two seekers on this trip and a scientist, Thundercracker, Slipstream, and Shockwave. Thundercracker and Slipstream where two of the eight seeker lieutenants (Thundercracker Slipstream Ramjet Thrust Dirge Skywarp Astray and Sky Quake) and have acted as leaders in their little confederacy. Shockwave has continued project predacon and is two months from completing it. (See character headcanons and epilogue for more information). The main force of Decepticons are about 13000 strong with a fourth of that being in the seekers and the rest being in mines or doing other menial tasks. Since Megatron has left Starscream has assumed command and has done fairly well setting up a fully sufficient Decepticon army and he rebuilt the seekers under the remaining lieutenants (Thrust Ramjet and Dirge) along with two bomber leaders, Liberator and Monstyr (see ocs). He has actually increased his popularity among the remaining Decepticons and especially among the vehicons. Only Soundwave truly doesn't like him but even he must admit that he was doing better than expected, although he couldn't say anything. They have recently captured Arcee and killed her partner Chiftjumper The "Rouge Autobots" are a group that volunteered to not go on the ark due to there being more Autobots than there was room. They are a small group of mostly former wreckers under Ultra Magnus. The members are Ultra Magnus, Hot Rod, Springer, Chromia, Jazz, and Blink (see ocs). They are now heading towards earth due to an autobot distress call sent after the capture of Arcee. They used to have the brute named Fortress Maximus with them but he died after fighting the rouge Decepticon Skorpinok. They believe Skorpinok to still be alive. The Autobots are in a frenzy after they lost a third of their troops. They are sponsored by the US government but after that the government has doubts so Optimus Prime sent a distress call on all Autobot channels. Little does he know that the rouge autobots are all that survived. The Insecticons are now a group of insect like Decepticons under the rule of Toxin (see ocs) but in reality Kickback calls all of the shots. He killed all other alpha insecticons including Airachnid and his brothers through trickery and made a young female alpha the queen of over 100,000 insecticons. She is ready so he acts as a regent/teacher who tries to make her "civilized" Headcanons: Starscream uses his Rid design. Thrust and Dirge are alive and lieutenants. Megatron is killer by Overlord. Skorpinok kills Fortress Maximus and joins the rouge Decepticons. Scissorsaw (aka helix) is in the rouge Decepticons along with war criminal Astroll(see ocs). Soundwave is a bit more bold

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