episode 349 of me not being able to shade

45 11 13

Ok so this is really bad quality

I will make a better one later, I promise you

I will make a better one later, I promise you

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Anyways here you go fashketchums

I changed her color scheme a bit? The reference I had made her skin almost as yellow as her hair, and jaundice is not a good look on this babs

The only thing I'm proud of are those eyes

I like those eyes

Lookit I found this

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Lookit I found this

Lookit I found this

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And I made a bee

And my pal Y-Studios made me this totally adorable thing for my b-day!!! I love it!!! If you don't know who she is you need to check her out right now!!!

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And my pal Y-Studios made me this totally adorable thing for my b-day!!! I love it!!! If you don't know who she is you need to check her out right now!!!

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