Chapter I The Beginning of it all

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She can see a young male running from something that isn't in her line of view. The male that was running looked almost entirely like her but only with slight differences. She didn't know why but this felt familiar to her as if it's a distant memory."Thats stupid Eden you never been to this forest before in your life" as Eden was thinking this she heard something "EDEN GET UP ITS TIME THE WAKE UP" and then there's darkness.

      "Morning sleepyhead" my cousin Ritchie said to me as I was getting up."So what did I fall asleep during this time" I asked him since I'm always falling asleep during something."Don't worry Eden you just fell asleep during a class that's all" Ritchie then preceded to laugh at how I just had a seriously dude face. Oh right you are probably wondering who I am my name is Eden I'm a 14 year old shifter.  A shifter is what some people call a dimension traveler. In my world there are only three or two other families that can shift. My family is the Rays, my cousins Ritchie and Brandon's family the Everglows, my friend Ava's family the Terrens and my other friend Jackson's family the Trubloods. Now as you might have guessed I'm staying with my Cousins Ritchie and Brandon. I might as well give a reason why and that reason is my parents are being hunted down and because me and my sibling aren't really seen using our ability that much so we are in the complete clear since THEY haven't sensed us yet.

       The they I'm talking about is some sort of foundation that traps people with an ability. My dad used his ability so much that they were able to pick out my parents' location. The only person I know who works there and is not looking for us is my Uncle Mario. He is my cousin's father but he didn't get the ability unlike my father so it skipped to his children.

      "RITCHIE EDEN COME ON WE ARE GONNA BE LATE"I heard my cousin Brandon yell at us."WE'RE COMING I NEED THE FIX MY HAIR AND PUT ON MY EYEPATCH"I hollered down to him while Ritchie was leaving my room. I started to get ready and decided to put my hair back into a ponytail. I looked in the mirror to see that my eye was acting up again. I go and grab my eyepatch from the dresser that's next to my bed. Now my eyes are usually a dark brown but one turns a dark pink purple color and it happens more often after my parents went into hiding.

       "EDEN HURRY UP WE ARE GONNA MISS JACKSON AND AVA" I heard my cousin yell "COMING". I then head downstairs were i see my cousins waiting at the door and my aunt and grandmother sitting at the table drinking tea."I'm here now lets go" we headed out the door when i heard my grandma say "Beware of the portals that have been appearing lately people have been going near them and disappearing into them." me and my cousins turned and looked at each other concerned since one of our friends who kept our family's secrets disappeared because of the portals."We'll be safe Grandma. We know enough about portals that they can end up hurting us if we go through or near them." after promising her that we head to the local cafe that one of Ritchies friends parents own.

       We decided to take a short cut through the community garden. It's where most of the townsfolk hang out since it's also the festival area since we have festivals every few weeks here in the town.  I should explain what our towns called and all that other stuff. The town me and my family live in is called Divinia. It's been around for centuries and is a safe haven from the foundation for others that have different types of powers. The town is located on an island that is from when the gods and goddesses roamed the land. There are of course other towns like Divinia but they are more destroyed than my home town. The reason why Divinia is not destroyed is because it's where the moon goddess and sun god made their safe haven for those who were hunted eons ago. "EDEN RITCHIE BRANDON OVER HERE"i turned to see our friends Ava and Jackson. "Well let's go to them" Ritchie then proceeded to walk towards our friends.

       "What took y'all so long?" Ava asked us. "Eden overslept again." Brandon told them which of course caused them to laugh a bit because this is normal behaviour for me to sleep in and be late. "Anyway let's head to the Moki Cafe. I heard they have new types of baked goods for the fall' as Ritchie was saying that Ava and I were already headed there "HEY WAIT FOR US YOU TWO!".

       When we got there we saw Austin and a Raven haired boy talking to him. "AUSTIN" I quickly stepped to the side in order to not be run over by Ritchie. "Lets see what they're doing and make sure Ritchie doesn't accidentally hurt Austin" we agreed with Jackson and started the walk over to where RItchie is now hugging Austin."Yo Austin you ok?" the raven haired boy asked him while looking at my red headed cousin with a confused look."I'm fine this is pretty much normal by now David." David's concerns didn't seem the lower that much but he just nodded. "Yo Austin this a new friend of yours?" Brandon asked as he and I were trying to get Ritchie the let go of the poor boy"Yea this is David we actually met while in school." as he said that David took notice of me."You're that brunette that is always drawing on the wings during class." I laughed a bit" Yes that's me. My name is Eden by the way."

       After getting the know David and Ritchie catching up with Ausin we headed into the Moki Cafe where we were greeted by Austins brother Virgil. "Let me guess your regulars?" we nodded to him and went to find a quiet place for us to sit and enjoy our food. When we got to our table and sat down I noticed a change in the magic that's in the air. "Guys, does the magic in the air feel a bit different then usual?" I asked them and they all nodded. "Yea its as if somebody is messing with the natural magic or even the mana pools that are around the area." Ava then looks confused as to what Jackson just said"What do you mean someones messing with the mana pools there all under extreme barrier magic and only Ritchie Brandon and Edens family can undo the barriers". I forgot that my family are the only ones with the keys and tomes that can destroy the barrier.''We still have our keys and the tomes have been given the Eden and are locked up and can only be opened by her.'' While Ritchie was explaining that to them I then felt an aura nearby that I never felt in Divinia before even with everyone here it's a new aura." I need some fresh air. The magic is starting to give me a headache." and right as I finished saying that and got up everything went dark.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2020 ⏰

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