♌️Youtuber high...♌️

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Sykkuno' s P. O. V
I was walking toward my new school. Youtuber high huh...meh it's just like my old school. I pulled up my green scarf and just tried to hide in it. I was listening to this song called E-girls ruined my life. It was super edgy and intense for my taste but it was catchy. It was cold outside very cold. While walking I came across a dark and edgy looking guy. He had a black mask on with some red and bloody looking teeth on it. He was wearing black and skinny jeans and a black hoodie. His hands were in his pockets while walking to school. I couldn't get a good look at his face cuz' he was walking ahead of me. I managed to go closer to him and noticed that he was at least a good 4 inches taller than me. Damn. I walked faster ahead of him and he seemed to noticed. He had his head down the whole time. He looked up and saw me staring at him. I saw pure red eyes that seemed to pierce through my soul. His hair was much more curled than mine and was pure black. I blushed looking away before I noticed the school closer now. I started to just run inside the school to avoid the stranger. But he looked so scary and cool. Absolutely mesmerizing. I couldn't help but feel a certain pull towards him. Meh maybe it will go away...maybe...I tried looking for the office to get my class and schedule but failed. I got lost eventually. While I was walking I passed through a very empty hall way. I heard shouting. I ran towards the voices and saw a guy my age getting beat up. He had black hair and brown eyes. He was a bit chubby and seemed like a nice guy. There were three maybe seniors towering over him demanding something. I don't know what they were talking about but I just went up to them and defended the guy. "Y-you s-shouldn't do this. It's bad." I said stuttering a bit from the cold. The three looked at me as well as the boy. I whispered for him to go while they were distracted. He did and smiled at my direction. I nearly would've forgotten about the guys if one of them didn't like push me towards a locker. "Hey kid. I've never seen you around here before you new?" One guy asked. I replied "Yeah and I just got lost and then I heard shouting so I came." "Well kid, you made two mistakes today. One you crossed our terf and two you prevented us from getting what we wanted" another guy said. "Well it was wrong so I was right to do it!" I snapped. All three of them snickered. "Good thing you got lost or else we wouldn't have been able to find someone with balls like you" the third guy said. They came towards me and I just started trembling. Oh no this is bad I just got here and I'm gonna get beaten up! Fuck...what should I do? Scream? Oh god...two of them just held both my arms as I started to struggle. "Let me go!" The guy who first spoke just punched me in the face. "Shut up pretty boy. You know how much your worth with a face and body like that. Hell your voice is even better! Imagine hearing it scream!" The two and third guy supported. I've been receiving punches and kicks from them and I felt pain. When I was about to just straight up faint I felt the two release my arm and the first one stop hitting me. I dropped to the floor with bruises everywhere. I got to my knees and just leaned against the lockers. I looked around me and saw the three's body unmoving and limp. The person in the middle just standing there surrounded was the boy I came across walking here. He quickly just patted his clothes and looked at me. I stared right back at him right in the eyes. I slowly started to feel my head get dizzy and numb. He walked over to me and just started to lift me with ease. I never noticed his hands were filled with jewelry. I payed no mind. I looked up at his face and just blushed. I should thank him later. I felt weak and numb. I eventually just fainted in the guys arms. But before that I heard his voice. His voice was deep...so deep...it was a beautiful voice. Like it belonged to a hot devil. He said "You should've called for help" and that was it. I felt like when he stopped that I was still in a trance listening to him. This guy has such a sexy voice. A deep as hell voice that can just control you or something. I didn't know what happened next but I knew that I was safe as long as I'm with him. He had a strong grip. I don't know why but I think that even if I fell off the building I was sure he would save me. Oh god this morning was very interesting.
Corpse's POV
I looked down at the kid in my arms just faint. Of course he would he took direct hits. I saw him walking towards the school this morning so I knew he was new since I haven't seen him around. Fucking retards target the new kid. That's such a fucking typical bully move. Who could hurt this guy? I looked down and got a good look at his bruised face. He had such a soft and fluffy looking hair. His eyes were like chocolate colored orbs. Shit...he's adorable. How can he get such a beautiful body hurt? I normally don't talk a lot but I said in my deep voice to him "You should've called help" I saw his eyes open at me faintly and smiled. He whispered back to me in such an angelic voice "I should've didn't I?" his voice was still a male voice but it was soft and so melodic. You would just wanna let him sing to you to make you sleep. Oh my fucking gosh can this kid get even cuter. I walked towards the nurse's office and shifted him in my arms just a bit to knock on the door. "Yes?" A girl with black hair and round glasses opened the door. Lily. I just lifted the guy higher to let her notice him. "Oh my gosh! Is he okay?" I shook my head side to side and she let me enter the infirmary. "The nurse isn't here so just set him down slowly on one of the beds pls" she said in maybe a cute voice for what seemed other guys would've gushed about. "Hey this isn't your fault is it Corpse?" She said angrily and worried. Yeah so what if I get into fights. But it was they're fault not mine. They started it but of course it's the guy who doesn't like talking and wears edgy clothes everyday. And the other guys are getting innocent. It's bullshit to go everyday like this. I shook my head again to say no. "Ok" she said suspiciously. "Go on and get to class if you wanna Corpse." She said before her attention was turned towards the boy. Argh I never did any kind of dipshit before but no I'm always the fucking villain. It sucks. I walked out and just started walking towards the school garden. Well what used to be the school garden anyway. I managed to make use of the old shed there. It was big and very spacious. So with just a few materials I made it my little hideaway. No one else comes here because they think it's haunted but that's just shit I spread around to keep people out. It was actually pretty chill in there. There was a mini fridge and a coffee table there in the middle. A desk just in case I have some work. And some warm lights I had. I also put my own little arcade there at the side if I was bored. I went towards the  mini fridge and grabbed a whiskey. I just drank the entire bottle before wiping my mouth and just relaxing on the bean bag chair. I grabbed my phone and just started playing some music. I went to the punching bag and just started to let all my anger out on it. Fuck school *whack* fuck life *whack* fuck people *whack* and the last hit I did I managed to rip it open just let it fall on the ground. Dumb ass shit. Then for some reason while I was thinking that kid from a while ago just popped up in my head. The first time I saw him was this morning. He was walking with an anxious look on his face. But I never failed to notice his eyes. His eyes were such a light shade of brown they were beautiful. His hair from a far still looked fluffy and soft. He was wearing a green striped scarf, a blue hoodie and some jeans. I couldn't help myself so I just walked ahead of him just to look at his face. I kept my head down to avoid suspicion. He walked ahead of me and when I lifted my head I saw him staring at me. We stared at each for what seemed to be quite some time. When he noticed he just goes red and just runs away. He thinks I looks scary. Everyone does. Everyone just runs away too. But why did he go red? No he doesn't like you. It' s cold out here no wonder he turned red. No one ever tries to get to know me. I wish I can die. But I just fucking can't.

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