What's Going On?

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Hi im Rosemary. Im 14 years old with ginger hair and blue eyes well more green blue but you get the picture. Im one of those girls who dont say a word and i dont have any friends so i get bullied a lot but there is this one boy who stopped bulling me a week ago and i dont know why, his name is Kovu and he has coal black hair with bright sea blue eyes (picture of him is on the side but if your on your phone or something like that he is on the fist page), if you are wondering i have a huge crush on him but i know he doesn't like let alone love me because he is the most popular boy in the school and the bad boy but a girl can have her dreams cant she?


I walked in with the usual stares that i get everyday at school and a few sly comments from random girls and boys whistling a wolf whistle then a boy stood in my way making me bump into him "So-sorry" I quietly said and i heard him chuckle "Its alright girl but what isn't alright is that you aren't my girlfriend" I froze, i get boys saying stuff like that but its embarrassing "Huh why dont we skip school and go to my house?" I shook my head as saying 'no' then the boy chuckles slightly and pushed me against the wall making my bag drop off my shoulder "You dont have a choice" Then i heard someone say "Hey back off" I felt the boy chuckle "Well why dont you mind-" The boy was pulled back and held up by the collar "Where you going to tell me to mind my own business?" I looked up and my eyes widened "N-no o-of course n-not K-Kovu" The boy stuttered in fright, yep he should be scared because Kovu is the bad boy of the school and nobody messes with him since he could beat up anyone "Good now if i see you touch her again i will rip your heart out and give it to your mum" I started shaking slightly from being scared and the boy nodded with the speed of light and Kovu threw him to the floor and turned to me and i made a 'eep' noise and looked down shaking still then i felt a hand on my shoulder then a hand on my chin "Can you look up... please?" I froze, why would Kovu the most popular and baddest boy in school say please to me? I looked up slowly only to be met with Kovu's sea blue eyes "Are you hurt and what is your name?" I shook my head slightly and replied "Ro-Rosemary" Then went to look down again but Kovu pushed my head up tighter and i winced slightly and Kovu smiled a warm smile which made my face blush what is happening? "What lesson do you have first?" Kovu asked with a soft voice "Ge-Geography" I said above a whisper and Kovu laughed a bit "You are really shy aren't you?" I blushed more and smiled slightly which for some reason made Kovu's smile widen "Do you mind if i walk to class with you?" I thought for a moment "O-ok" Kovu's smile went wide showing his sharp teeth? Why are they sharp!? I ignored it and noticed that Kovu let go of me and was now standing in front of me "What are you waiting for?" Kovu chuckled and my face blushed and i ran up to him standing next to him as we began walking to Geography he started talking about lions? "What is your opinion on lions?" I thought and replied "They are majestic creatures and if anyone says they are monsters that kill humans for fun then they are jerks because lions only kill humans because they know humans are a threat" Kovu looked at me shocked and i started to panic "D-do i sound we-weird if i d-do im so so-sorry!" I said in a panicked tone, Kovu laughed and went in front of me then held onto my shoulders and bent down so we were face to face making me blush "Would you calm down i was surprised because normally girls would say the opposite and im glad you think of lions like that its... cute" As Kovu said cute he had a warm smile on and my face must have been a giant tomato from my blushing. Kovu looked into my eyes and it looked like he was reading my face or trying to understand what i was feeling or thinking, then out of no where he he he kissed me!? After a few seconds he pulled back and i, i was shocked so i just stood there blushing like mad and Kovu's eyes looked sad? "I-im sorry Rose-" I dont know why but i cut him off by kissing him, hey i have a crush on him and he kissed me fist! Kovu smiled into the kiss and kissed back while putting a hand on my back then he slowly walked me into a wall and pinned me against the wall then he pulled back "Woah" Kovu whispered in amazement making me blush yet again then i seen the position we where in so i tried to walked out but Kovu put his arm in the way and used his other arm to pin my left arm to the wall then he grabbed my right arm pinning it as well and i started struggling, the last time a man did this and tried to rape me and thats why im not so big on boys. I felt his grip loosen a bit so i struggled more but he was still to strong then he leaned in and i turned my face away in fright and Kovu leaned back with a concerned face "Whats wrong?" I turned to face him "Its-its just the la-last time i w-was in this po-position a guy tri-tried to rape me" I felt tears roll down my face and Kovu engulfed me in a hug and he whispered in my ear "shh its ok im here nothing can hurt you while im here" I felt my sadness get washed away from me as i hugged him back "Thank you Kovu" I felt Kovu turn his head and softly kiss my head "Your welcome" Then he pulled back and looked down at me with a serious face "Ok i need to ask one question" I nodded slowly "Will you be my ma i mean girlfriend?" My mouth burst into a wide smile and i squealed in joy, i dont ever squeal but this is a massive thing! "Of course!" I hugged him and my heart wouldn't stop pounding in my chest then Kovu pulled back and planted a kiss on my lips and smiled "Well we just missed our fist lesson so want to hang out together at break?" My eyes widen and i got my phone out and saw we had five minutes left of lesson (9:55) "Oh shit" I said under my breath and Kovu's eyes widened and he laughed "Did i just hear the shyest girl and the best behaving girl in school swear?" Kovu said in a fake shocked tone and i playfully punched his arm "Oh shut up you big softy" Kovu smiled and looked down at me and lifted my chin up with his hand and kissed me so i kissed back and put my hands on his neck then he pulled back and his eyes where a bit darker then they usually are but i put it as the lights where off now "Well wanna go to the canteen and get a snack?" I nodded and i noticed his voice got a bit deeper as well but i ignored it. (she ignores things like that) On the way there a boy grabbed my arm and pinned me against the wall "Well hey beautiful" I squirmed against then i heard a angry low growl "Get.The. FUCK. Off. Her." The boy rolled his eyes and kicked backwards but his leg got caught and he was pulled hanging upside down by Kovu "I told you to get the fuck off her didn't i?" The boy looked as if he was going to cry "I-im so-sorry Ko-Kovu i didn't know it-it was you" Kovu lowly growled and dropped him then pinned him with one hand on his neck and the other holding his head on the wall "If you EVER touch her again i swear i will make you pay greatly" Kovu said in a deep scary voice "Ye-yes Ko-Kovu" Kovu growled once more and dropped him and the boy dropped to the floor and coughed then with a kick from Kovu he was running off then Kovu walked over to me and looked me over "You ok?" I nodded smiling then he nodded and kissed my forehead then we walked to canteen and got a snack. Wow today was like a dream but im glad it's not but what the hell is going on?

Hey my Shadow Pack hope you like my new story and i want to know if you guys and gals and guess why Kovu is growling O0O i will give you a clue its not a human growl and how do you think the next chapter is going to be like? And this is what i was listening to while writing this (the video/music on the URL thing)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2015 ⏰

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