Chapter XXIV

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"Kun was arrested?" Yuyan was truly shocked at this news.

Zhangjing nodded weakly.

"Is there nothing you can do for him –is Kun really the culprit, or is this all a trap?" asked Yuyan again.

"Further investigations are being carried out." Zhangjing paused for a moment, looked away. Because you are not my brother. You are not my flesh and blood. Kun's words haunted him again, striking his heart as an older brother.

"Are you okay?" Yuyan asked worriedly, since earlier her lover looked dazed, as if he was drifting into his own world.

"Oh, yeah. I am okay." Zhangjing quickly pushed aside all the bad thoughts. "How about the preparation of the Rosa nera concoction and the silver rock? Will it"

"Finished before the Thousand Lights Festival?" Yuyan provided the answer in question, smiling with dreamy eyes. "Yes, definitely. I want you could dance under the sun,"

That concoction is meant by Yuyan is of course, the anti-sun ointment for Zhangjing and his people. The Malhela.

And according to the laws of equilibrium of the silver rocks that she knew, the success of her potion could not be separated from the dual function of the silver rock which for her was quite sinister: Yuyan's intention to make this ointment is good -and it worked- it meant that somewhere else someone was trying it for evil and it was successful too.

In front of him, Yuyan saw Zhangjing nodded in agreement with a very happy expression. Like this was something her lover had been waiting for centuries.

"We'll be getting close to that time, Yuyan."

Their lips met each other, locked in a long kiss. The lonely edge of the Alasdair Forest with the cold cloudy weather enveloped them in serenity. Yuyan thought she didn't have to tell the true power of the silver rocks.

Zhangjing deliberately met Yuyan near Lumio's territory because he put Yuyan's safety first. If danger loomed, Yuyan could immediately run to the palace gate which was not far from the edge of the forest. And as for the risk itself, Zhangjing believed his people could not possibly be so bold as to pursue the enemy all the way to the gates of their palace.

But maybe not everyone agreed with that thought.

From the top of the oak tree, Linong was watching the two of them.


Yuxin never thought that her room was as wide and as cold as this. It has been almost a week she has been locked in her room. She used to spend time outside, always bathed in the sun and ready for another new adventures. Being locked up like this was like taking half of her soul.

After getting out of bed, Yuxin walked to the door, her hand pulled the doorknob and that giant door still didn't open. She couldn't believe she was imprisoned in her own room. Feeling frustrated, Yuxin leaned against the door.


Something sparkling fell from the leather bag she used to sling in.

The diamond from Kun.

When you are filled with despair, remember that we have the same desire –we strive for the same happiness. Kun's words echoed in her head, instead of calming her down, the pain in her chest became even sharper.

I want to see Kun! Yuxin screamed in her heart, her hands wrapped tightly the diamond that as big as one knuckle.

Suddenly, on the white wall in front of Yuxin, a transparent visualization spreads out, which presenting a dark room with large stone walls and a small window at head level. There was a long iron chain crisscrossing the floor, the ends of which bound two ankles...

"Kun?!" Yuxin immediately ran to the wall, clasped her hands on it, hitting it many times but still she couldn't get through it.

"Yu" Kun lifted his head which had been down earlier. They could see each other but Kun couldn't get close to the wall as his hands and feet were chained.

"Hah! So this diamond really fulfills my wish..." Kun chuckled. He was in a bad state.

Yuxin could see the dry blood on Kun's temple and left arm. It was unimaginable what this young man had been through, until he was placed in that room, which caused every of his breath turned to ice dust in the air, which then disintegrated into small pieces. That place must be freezing as hell.

"Kun, where are you..."

Kun's eyes traveled around the place, then he sighed, "A place as cold as this... looks like the tower prison. I am not sure, too. I've never been here by myself. This is a place for high-class criminals in my country," He paused for a moment, took his breath again. It was very difficult to breathe normally in a place with high pressure like there.

"The incident that happened to Xue'er ...seems like it was all a trap. Xue'er was a great swimmer. So there are people who want Xue'er to die so that I became the scapegoat. "

For a moment, Kun's eyes seemed filled with regret, "And this person knows how Xue'er felt about me. So, there's no reason to give up. I have to get out of here right away!"

Yuxin bit her lip impulsively –hard enough until it bleed. "Why, Yuxin?" Kun asked in a nonchalant manner, with chains everywhere, he tried to take the most comfortable position for him.

Yuxin kept her head down. She didn't want Kun to see her half-dying holding back her tears.

"Why do you keep looking down?" Kun asked again, sterner, louder.

"You see... I... I don't know what else to do. You are trapped there and I'm not at better condition. I don't know how else we should fight for peace. There are so many obstacles. Maybe we really should stick to war-"

"Don't talk nonsense!" Kun snapped at her, but within the voice contained overwhelming affection and concern –and Yuxin really felt it.

"Si vis pacem, para bellum. Among the many people who agree with that way, I am the one who refuses. It makes no sense to bring about peace by conquering other nations. Because all that remains is only grudges, and that will lead us to the next war," he continued.

Although Yuxin did not respond, he knew she agreed with the statement. Anyone who starts a war only will create wounds, pains, heartache, and suffering. "Look at me, Yuxin!" Kun's voice was repressive again, and at that moment Yuxin felt a new energy flow through her body, a familiar energy: weak but explosive. Kun's.

Kun whispered, "Then what are you going to do? You want to run away from all this? Want to back away? Hm?"

"Of course not!" Yuxin answered quickly in anger. She was afraid, but she wouldn't run away like a coward!

"Then, why are you so gloomy..."

Yuxin didn't answer.

Kun let out a sigh, "I can't," he said solemnly. His jet-black eyes flashed with certainty, "Without you, I can't, Yuxin. So, don't back away."

"Kun..." Yuxin closed her eyes, gathering again all her determination and strength. Yeah, without you, Kun, neither could I. We must stick to faith and be united.

"Then how to get you out of there?" Yuxin asked, half screamed.

"General Linmeng! Tell this to him. He can free me with the sun-moon tattoo we both have. That tattoo can do something –that's something is also in my dreams! Anyway, General Linmeng must have known. He's my real father... "

"I know." Yuxin nodded and then immediately got up, looking for a way to escape from her golden cage –her room.

"And, Yuxin..."

Yuxin turned to Kun again, still with a worried look.

"Be careful." he said with a warm smile.

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