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Someone Better

Pairings: Sakusa Kiyoomi x Hinata Shouyou

Category: Angst, Break Up, Comfort, Fluff, Catching Feelings, Confessions


"Atsu-" Hinata's sentence trails off, once he sees Atsumu kissing Kageyama.

He doesn't know if his eyes is deceiving him or not.

'No, no, no... This has to be a dream, right?' He asks himself. Hinata didn't notice, but he was starting to tear up.


Hinata quickly snap out from his thoughts.

"Baby!" Atsumu walks upto Hinata. "Its not what you think-" he was suddenly cut off, when Hinata slapped him.

"I don't wanna hear it, you cheating bastard!"

Atsumu looks at him, shock. "Babe, let me explain-"

"No! There's nothing to explain, Miya Atsumu. Were breaking up!" Hinata shouted at the blond, and left with tears on his eyes.

As he was running, he didn't notice someone was on his way, which cause them to fall to the ground.

The person groaned, "what the heck?" He opens his eyes to see a familiar ginger.

"Wait, Hinata?"

Hinata groans, rubbing his head as he slowly opens his eyes.

"Sakusa-kun!" Hinata exclaimed, surprise.

"Uh, why are you running so fast?" He stood up, and pats his clothes. Hinata just stayed silent, which made Sakusa worry.

The ginger was about to say something, but instead he just cried. "Me and Atsumu *sniff* broke up, because *sniff* he was cheating *sniff* on me"

When Sakusa saw Hinata crying, he kneels down and grabs the ginger, hugging him for comfort.


I know Sakusa hates touching people, but for him Hinata is an exception.

"You don't deserve that idiot, you deserve someone better" He spoke, which made Hinata smile.

"Thank you, Sakusa-kun"

Sakusa had a light blush, spreading on his cheeks. "No problem"

The two stood up from the ground, and fix their clothes.

"Want to go back to my apartment? I can make you tea, or whatever you like."

"... Sure"

When the two arrive at Sakusa's apartment, Sakusa opens the door and went inside.

"I see your finally back, Kiyoomi"

A voice spoke behind the two, which made the the two to look behind.

"Komori, your awake already?"

"Of course" the guy named Komori looks down to see Hinata. "Oh, and who's this? Is he your friend?"


"My name's Hinata Shouyou from the Karasuno Volleyball Team. Its nice to meet you...?"

Komori chuckles, "Komori Motoya from Itachiyama, also knows as Kiyoomi's cousin."

"Is nice to meet you, Komori-senpai!" The ginger beams a smile at Sakusa's cousin.

"Its nice to meet you too, Hinata" Komori rubs the back of his head, sheepishly. "Anyways, what brings you here to our apartment?"

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