Among Us Emergency Meeting

386 22 10

  Imposter: Big Crime
Crewmates: Big Law, Tubbox, Dr. Therapist, Toob, Drubbo, Relibo

[Emergency Button is Called]
Big Law Tubbox
Big Crime Toob
Dr. Therapist (X) Drubbo
(X) Relibo

Tubbox curled his hair with his finger as he held up his hand. I holographic screen popped up with the words, "Well, I think it's obvious what happened here." glowing on it. Tubbox had an unimpressed look on his face, almost hating the fact it happened. Toob nodded slightly. "Wait what?" Big Crime said. "Whats happening?" He continued, looking around at the others in confusion. They heard a bunch of mumbled screaming. They all looked at the source, Dr. Therapist, who had been trying to speak but had "flavors" in his mouth. He motioned for them to wait a second to swallow. "I think what happened was that Relibo died in front of Drubbo. And instead of reporting it Drubbo went after the murderer instead." He said, he probably still had some flavor left in his mouth but he could still speak. "Your honor, I think after this meeting I should get some Domino cookies." Big Crime's eyes widened. "Can I come with? I never tried Domino cookies!" Big Crime asked, he was playing the part of his childlike usual self, which worked. Big Law chuckled. "Yeah, we could go." Big Law elbowed him playfully before the atmosphere around him morphed into a more serious undertone.

   Big Crime, being a genius, pretended not to notice. Big Law looked at the others. "I know for sure Dr. Therapist can't kill a single soul, so that leaves Toob and Tubbox. Tubbox stopped curling his hair with his finger before adjusting the box oh his head. He cleared his throat silently and dramatically stepped back with an offended look painted on his face. He held up the hand with the holographic screen. "Well what about Big Crime?" When Big Law glanced back at Tubbox, he had a sadistic smirk on his face. "I can hard clear Big Crime, I walked past him in the hallways many times and we went into electrical together. He could've killed me there." Tubbox nodded, pretending to understand what this crazy guy was saying. Toob was fiddling with the red plastic horn headband. He felt everyones eyes on him and looked to see he was right. Everyone was in fact, staring at him. He held his hands up in defense. "It can't be me, Tubbox must have saw me download in Cafeteria as he called the button. I could've killed him." His quiet monotone voice sounded more passive aggressive then monotone.

   Dr. Therapist played with his fingers nervously. "I have a medbay scan if anyone wants to see it." His voice a lot more shaky. He isn't used to high pressure situations. "I'll go, your honor." Big Law said. "After Big Crime and I get some food, that is." Big Law looked at his buddy. Big Crime showed a big grin. Big Law smiled softly before looking back at the rest of the team. "I think its Toob." Tubbox's screen said. He yawned silently as he scrolled through everyone and stopping at Toobs profile to vote for him. He took out his "I voted" pin and stuck it on his space suit. Big Law nodded as he did the same as Tubbox. Big Crime mimicked everyone else. Dr. Therapist looked like he was having a moral dilemma right in front of everyone. He sniffed as he shakily voted off Toob. He was crying, as this was his first time voting someone off. "Understandable." Toob said as he voted himself off.

Toob was not The Impostor.
  (One impostor remains)

Dr. Therapist was sulking on the ground, looking through the window in Cafeteria. Watching as Toobs body floated away. He screamed random words when it was out of view. Big Law and Big Crime looked at him awkwardly as they both got their Dominos cookies. Big Crime yanked Dr. Therapist and Big Law into Medbay. Tubbox was there coincidentally. He was just stepping off the Med scan when the trio walked in. Dr. Therapist stood on the Med scan and... well scanned. The lights flickered off. Big Law couldn't see Tubbox or Big Crime. He heard a vent open followed by crunching noise as the lights turned on. Tubbox and Big Law were in Medbay, looking at a dead body. Tubbox fell to his knees and looked at Dr. Therapists body in shock. Big Crime walked in on them, the body between the two shocked figures. He quickly reported it.

   "Guys?! Why did you not report the body?!" Big Crime loudly asked. "I... its Tubbox." Big Law said. "You went to do lights which left me, Dr. Therapist, and Tubbox. He probably planned for one of us to leave so he can kill and frame me." Tubbox yawned and held up his screen "No u". Big Crime giggled but then got a look from Big Law. "Ah- S-sorry Law." He said as he voted for Tubbox. Big Law did the same. He held up his screen. "My final words are... Drubbo, you should've reported the body." Big Crime threw Tubbox into the eject. He banged on the windows, probably for show since he really didn't care about living on the spaceship. Big Crime looked at Big Law. Big Law looked at the button hesitantly. "You do tue honors." Big Crime said. Big Law pressed it and looked at Big Crime. He had a big smile planted on his face.

Tubbox was not The Impostor.

Imposter wins!


Everyone groaned. "HE FUCKIN KILLED RELIBO." Drubbo screamed. "THE SECRETARY OF THE ARCHIVES WILL GET YOU WITH THIS ONE." He continued. "Someone mute Drubbo." Tubbox typed. "MUTE? ME? TO THE ARCHIVES WITH Y-" "User 'Drubbo' was muted" A female robotic voice said. Everyone burst into laughter. "You did a good job Big Crime, you really had me there with the Lights." Big Law complimented. "Ah, I thought you would be mad at me for lying." Big Crime laughed. "I still feel really bad for voting Drubbo off..." Dr. Therapist sniffed. "Holy... have you been crying this whole time? Like even when you were dead?" Big Crime asked. "Yes." Both Relibo and Drubbo said in unison. "And we both had to deal with his sobbing the most." Relibo whined. "I'm sorry Drubbo." Dr. Therapist sniffed as he ate a flavor. "Oh my archives, for the 100th time, its okay." "We need to play later, it getting late." Tubbox reminded everyone by spamming the discord DM until everyone got tired of the ding noise and checked. "Goodnight everyone!" "Bye!"

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