"Guys, come take a look at this."

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Lance POV

Pidge forced Hunk and me to go on a ghost hunt in the woods. Today of all days? It's freezing! I want to turn back and go home, but I don't want to miss it if we do find a ghost or something.

"Guys, hurry up!" Pidge yelled.

"Can't we just go back?" Hunk begged.

"Like I said, you're free to go," I added.

We continued walking for some time, and so far we have found nothing.

I abruptly trip over something "OOF." I fell face-first into the ground. "What the fuck did I trip over," I complained.

"Probably a rock or something. Come on," Pidge grunted.

"Hey! I could have ruined my beautiful skin!" I scoffed.

I grab my flashlight to see what I tripped over. It looked fluffy and purple..? I touch whatever this is. It twitched before I could feel it.

"Guys, come take a look at this." I gulped.

"I swear if it's a bug or something-" Pidge was interrupted when she saw it.

"What the heck is that?!" Hunk shouted.

"I don't know, but let's find out!" I exclaim.

I quickly got up and followed from where it led. Pidge and Hunk ran after me to find out what it is. Whatever it was, is attached to a big black wall of some sorts. We went around the wall and followed where the wall led.

After a while, we reached the end. It looked like two smoothed spikes. I walked over to it.

"Lance, don't!" Pidge, whisper yelled.

I poked whatever it was, and it slapped me, causing me to fly back.

"Those are giant ears, dumbass," Pidge grumbled.

"How was I supposed to know that?!" I argued.

"If you used your brain for once in your life." Pidge retorted.

The ground started, and the giant rolled over. Everyone jumped and moved back a few meters. It appears to be sleeping still.

"G-guys, we should leave b-before it w-wakes up." Hunk stammered.

I tiptoe over to the giant. "I just want to get a good look before we go," I whispered.

"He's a goner." Pidge teased.

I roll my eyes as I kept going forward. I finally approached the giant, and I couldn't help myself, so I touched it.

"Oh my god, it's so fluffy." I gushed.

Keith POV

I groggily open my eyes and yawn. I sit up to stretch. I rub my eyes, and I hear small voices coming from behind me. I look at where the sound is coming from. Beans.

The first one has tan skin, brown hair, and bright blue eyes. The second one is a lot shorter than the other two and has brown hair, palish skin, and brown eyes. The third one has bigger than the others and had black hair, darker skin than the first one, and brown eyes.

I turn around so I could face them. I lie down on my stomach so I could get a better look at the beans.

The short one and the big one ran away, but the lengthy one was frozen in place.

Usually, I would try and scare them, but I'm too tired. I poke the tan one, and it fell over. I giggle at this action.

"You think that was funny, don't you?" The brunette said.

I was confused when it talked to me, but I nodded my head yes anyway.

"You're a jerk," it said as it crossed its arms and glared at me.

I tilted my head. I've been called many things but a jerk? This is one strange bean.

I could hear the other two beans shouted at it to run away. This bean is entertaining though I think I'll keep it.

I reach out my hand to grab the bean, but it tried to run away, but it was too slow. I gently picked up the bean by its shirt and placed it on my palm.

It was squirming a lot and looked scared.

"P-put me down!" It cried.

The bean was trembling a lot, but I didn't want to lose it. How should I calm this bean down?

I brought it closer to my face. The bean was trying to get as far away from me as possible. I licked the bean and pulled it back.

Its hair was sticking up, and it looked shocked.

"Ewwww." The bean complained.

I giggled and licked it again.

"Stop! that's gross!" The bean whined.

I put my hand inside my shirt, and I reach out to clean the bean. The bean tried escaping again, but yet again, it failed. I was rubbing the bean to get rid of the salvia.

I finally finished, and the bean looks disheveled. Its hair was everywhere, and its clothes were messy, but at least it was clean.

It looked more shocked than before and looked at the other beans. The short one shugged, and the big one was scared out of its mind.

"Can you put me down now?" The bean asked.

I knew the bean wanted to escape, but I didn't want to scare it anymore, so I sniffed it to remember its scent to find it again. I placed it on the ground.

Lance POV

Then the purple giant placed me on the ground. I ran as fast as I could to Pidge and Hunk. We all ran away as far as we could. We made it to Pidge's house, and we all took a breather.

"What. Just. Happened." Hunk breathed.

We both looked at Pidge for an answer. "How am I supposed to know?!" Pidge complained.

"Aren't you the smart one?" I grunted.

"Yes, but I don't have all of the answers," Pidge grumbled.

There were a few seconds of silence before Pidge interrupted. "Although, the giant seems to take a liking to you for some reason."

"Probably because I'm so handsome that he couldn't resist me," I smirked.

"I'm going to do some research while you guys sleep." Pidge ignored my comment.

I forgot that we were having a sleepover at Pidge's house.

"Okay, night Pidge." Hunk waved as he walked to Pidge's room.

I silently walk to her room and lay down on my blanket on the floor. I eventually fell asleep.

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