Dr. Shirogane

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Lance POV

When several white vans drove into sight, Keith started to whimper more. I was petting his cheek to try to calm him down.

A group of scientists exited the vehicle with a bunch of medical supplies. Dr. Shirogane walked up to me to ask what happened. I explained everything, and he helped everyone else.

Veronica was the one that paid them to help Keith. Rachel was comforting me while the giant looked terrified. I couldn't get close to Keith because I would be in their way.


Eventually, we were told to go home, but I stayed behind to stay with Keith. Some of the scientists left to do other things.

Keith had fallen asleep a while ago. His breathing had calmed down, but he still didn't move. Dr. Shirogane walked up to me and took a seat next to me.

"Your parents are probably worried about you." Dr. Shirogane mentioned.

"Keith is more important," I responded.

Dr. Shirogane chuckled, and I gave him a questioning look.

"You two really care about each other a lot." Dr. Shirogane smirked.

"Yeah, thank you for helping him, Dr. Shirogane." I smiled at him.

"Just call me Shiro." Dr. Shirogane laughed.

I smiled at him and looked back at Keith, peacefully sleeping. Scientists were operating all around Keith. I stood up and walked up to Keith's face.

"Keith, wake up." I cooed.

I didn't expect him to wake up, but he did. He groggily opened his eyes and stared at me for a few seconds.

"Lance..?" Keith mumbled.

"I'm here. What are your other two wishes." I smirked.

He smiled at me and closed his eyes to go back to sleep. I stepped closer to Keith, and I gave him a kiss on his nose. A giant hand shoved my back and made me crash into Keith's lips.

His lips were soft, warm, and covered my entire face. Keith's lips gently wrapped around my head but relaxed shortly after. My face was a blushing mess, and I fell back in shock. Keith fell asleep in the middle of kissing me. I giggled to myself and stood back up.

I walked away with a dorky smile on my face. Some scientists were getting up from the ground. I awkwardly rub the back of my neck when some of them glared at me.

My phone rang from my pocket, and I checked who was calling me. My mama was calling me! I instinctively pick up.

"¡¿Dónde estás?!" Mama shouted on the other line.

"I'm sleeping over at Hunk's house." I lied.

"No, you are not! I already called his mom! Tell me where you are!" Mama yelled.

"...I can't tell you." I sighed.

"I don't care! Tell me!" Mama demanded.

"ImwithKeiththegiantonthenewsandheisinpainandImhelpinghim!" I blurted.

I immediately hung up and shoved my phone in my back pocket. I awkwardly shuffle away behind Keith. I leaned against his soft hair and take a deep breath.

"I am so dead." I groaned.

Both of Keith's ears face me, which made me jump. I sigh with a smile on my face.

"Don't worry, I'm exaggerating," I chuckled as I patted Keith's head behind me.

Keith's ears slowly moved back into its initial position. I'm glad he didn't reach over for me. The scientists might be pissed off and force me to leave if he did.

I slouched and laid down on the grass. My eyes grew tired, and I slowly blink a few times before I fell asleep. I quickly sit up. I can't sleep in this cold, muddy grass!

I stood up and walk over to Shiro. He realized I was tired and placed his metal hand on my back.

"You really should go home," Shiro repeated.

"But, Keith-"

"Listen, if anything happens to Keith, I will call you," Shiro assured.

"...Okay." I hesitated.

Shiro patted my back, and I made my way home. When I got home, my mama grounded me for a month. I wasn't allowed to go outside except for school. I couldn't fight back without telling mama about Keith, so I didn't.

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