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Iwaizumi Hajime does not see the Prince, nor any member of the royal family for another week. instead, he is passed from servant to servant, room to room, as they 'clean up the last one's mess'.

Every boy before now has not made it.

They were words spoken by the Prince himself, that Iwaizumi had almost completely forgotten. But each worried glance his direction, each apologetic smile, each mention of it is so troublesome to get blood out of the sheets, keeps the words spinning in his brain.

Just what had happened to the previous attendant?

No one will tell him. That's the first lesson he learns. No one answers any of his questions unless they pertain exactly to the task at hand. And so he decides to keep his mouth shut, not to push, and go with the motions.

It's weird work. Work he's never really done before, and he had started helping the Sister's with the field by the age of five. He had four years worth of training in planting, animal husbandry, and general manual labor. All seemingly useless to him now.

"Come along Iwaizumi, you won't need to do this for long." The laundry maid calls from over her stack of clothing. Iwaizumi pulls his gaze away from the knights in training, running laps around the grounds. He shifts the heavy basket in his arms and follows after the woman.

They stop at the drying lines and Iwaizumi begins handing the maid folded clothing with newfound practiced ease. It feels as if he has spent the whole week learning how to fold anything and everything correctly. He hadn't even known there were wrong ways to fold things! He had bruises on his palms to prove it now.

"When you take on your responsibilities you will not be in charge of the young Prince's laundry. But you will have to keep everything organized and operating smoothly. It is important to know how it all works and check in from time to time. Do you understand?"

"Yes ma'am," Iwaizumi responds quietly.

She smiles at him, pinning some sheets to the line and pulling them nice and taught. She steps over to the next empty space. Iwaizumi lifts out another sheet, seeing the pesky stains of blood, faded but still present on the linen.

Every boy before now has not made it.

Iwaizumi tries not to think about it and gives the sheet to the maid. She tsks in annoyance, "There's just no way to get it out." She sighs, but then eyes the boy beside her, "Well, this may be lucky for you."

Iwaizumi looks up at her curiously at the comment.

"These sheets are no longer fit for the Prince but it would be a waste to throw them out. Have you seen your future room yet?" She asks.

"No, ma'am. I have been staying with the butlers in the servants wing."

She continues, "You'll be moved to the room attached to the Prince's chamber soon enough. It's very small, but you will have it to yourself. No bed, just straw and a few rough sheets."

Iwaizumi nods. He had been told probably every day this week of his future living arrangements. How lucky he is to have a whole room to himself.

"Now, how would you feel having some silken sheets as well? What a wonderful homecoming present I've thought of!"

Iwaizumi forces a smile despite the nausea circling in his stomach. His eyes keep being drawn to the horrid stain. His predecessor's blood. He feels sick.

"Iwaizumi, you're such a sweet boy. I'm sure you'll be fine." The maid pats his head, and Iwaizumi doesn't feel very comforted.


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