Kicked Out

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Hailey's face would look as if it were about to explode. "Jake, get the hell out of this club." Jakes eyes would widen. Why would HE be kicked out of the club. Hailey would point to his Instagram page, on it there would be many posts bashing the Music Club. Jake's eyes would start to shine a bit. He was so confused, HE didn't do anything. somebody must have taken his phone or hacked onto his account.

Jake would open his mouth to speak, but nothing would come out. Zander would quickly start talking, as if he didn't want Jake to speak at all. "I told you all that he was trying to sabotage us! He can't even sing anyways! He will never be anything compared to Hailey." Zander would be sharp and loud, but it would also have a bit of excitement in it as if were happy that Jake did something bad.

At this point Jake couldn't take it anymore. Tears started to fall from his eyes as he ran out the door as fast as he could. Drew would be standing there, confused on why Jake was running.  He couldn't see his face though. Drew would yell out to Jake, "Jake! Stop! Why are you running?!" Although Jake wouldn't stop. Drew just had to keep on running. Unfortunately, Jake was really fast, and Drew couldn't keep up. 

Eventually Dew was lead to the men's bathroom. There was only one stall occupied. Knowing that Jake was in the bathroom, he quickly figured out that Jake was the one who was in the stall. Drew would open his mouth to speak, but he would be interrupted by a Sob. Jake quickly covered his mouth. Jake's stomach would start to hurt,  He had forgot to shut the door. Drew Swung the door open, only to see the boy crying. His eyes widened, for he didn't realize that Jake was crying.

Drew would start to talk, "What happened?" Drew's voice would soften, his voice sounding as if he thought that anything could break the boy in front of him.

Jake looked up at Drew and told him what had happened in the Music Club, he Even told him about the post and what Zander said. Drew's Face would blow up with fury, but when he saw Jake standing there, he quickly calmed down.

Drew pulled Jake up into his arms. The warmth from Drew's body, and the comforting aura that surrounded him managed to calm Jake down. Drew's Face lit up with excitement. "I have an Idea!" Drew would say with excitement. Jake would back out of his arms and give him a look that said, " What is it?" Even though Jake didn't speak, his expression said enough.

Drew would begin to share his Ides, "So, what if we all come over to my house tonight? We can all have a fun sleepover. We can chat, and play some games." Jake's frown quickly grew into a smile. Even though Drew didn't specify who "We" was, Jake knew that he meant Liam, and Henry.

Boyfriend or Friend? The Music Freaks Jake x Drew Warning : LemonsWhere stories live. Discover now