Chapter 1.5.1

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Chloe's sixteenth birthday.

You know what that meant?

We were going to get absolutely sloshed.

"Happy birthday, Chlo-conut!" I shouted, running up to her outside school. She didn't look pleased at all. "What happened?"

"Ugh, my mum's still talking about Missy Booth," She frowned in annoyance.

The same day Chloe and I had made up, Hayley Booth was taken away by a social worker because their nana died. Though I did feel very sorry for them, Ms Keane seemed to be neglecting her own daughter to look after Missy.

"Sorry, mate," I patted her back kindly. "But, look at what I got you..."

I pulled my backpack down off of my shoulder and unzipped it. She moved her head to peer inside.

"A... bra?" she asked, confused.

"What?" I looked down to see my dark green bra. "Oh, no."

I pulled the bra out.

"Vodka!" I exclaimed loudly, throwing my arms up into the air. "I'm staying over at yours tonight so prepare to get wild."

"Alright, GiGi," Neil wolf-whistled from the other side of the grounds. It was then I realised I was holding my bra in the air. "Take it off!"

"OI!" Cory, who had been talking with Riz on the stairs, was now advancing towards Neil.

Chloe cleared her throat.

"You know my mum will never let you stay over?"

"Oh, she will," I said. "All you have to say is 'please, mum? It's my sixteenth', and you'll be golden."

"You clearly don't know my mum," she scoffed.

"Fine, if that doesn't work, I'll just sneak in," I shrugged and put my bra back in my backpack. "I've got all my stuff with me. The mango vodka and lemonade is amazing!"

"Alright, Grace-fruit," she agreed. "I'll try."

Smiling, I threw my arms around her. Now, with my head over her shoulder, I could see Cory storming over to me.

"Oh, for fuck sake..." I mumbled and pulled away from the hug.

"What are you playin at?" Cory yelled angrily, stopping beside Chloe. "Neil basically had a stiffy!"

"Hey," I put my hands up in defence, "it's not my fault your friend is such a virgin."

Cory started to smile but stopped himself quickly.

"You can't just wave your bras--"

"I can do whatever I want with my bras," I folded my arms. "You didn't seem to mind when I threw it at you--"

"OKAY!" said Chloe loudly. "I'm off. See you in English, Gee."

"Sorry, Chloe," I apologised and waved. "I'll be there in a second."

I waited until Chloe had entered the school building to round on Cory again.

"Holding a bra wasn't an invitation of your friend to verbally assault me so maybe you should be telling him what to do instead."

"I've already had a go at him," Neil, I now noticed, was holding onto the side of his arm with a grimace. "And punched 'is arm."

"Well..." I sighed heavily. "It's an improvement from punching Waqar in the face."

"He deserved it. Nobody gets to think about yer like that 'cept me."

"Cory, if I punched everyone who thinks about you like that, there'd be nobody left in school," I reminded him. 

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