just friend's right [shoto is taller than iida heheh]

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third peorson pov

iida woke up he put his glasses on awzawa said thay can not where thar uniforms today  he put a shirt that was yellow and said be happy he put some jeans on and a hoodie and his mom yelled at him for no reason he got his bag and ran he bumped into shoto his senpi [oOoOoOoO hehehehehehe] shoto helped him up 'im so sorry shoto!" he said as he blushed " its okay wanna walk to school with me iida-kun" iida said yes ofc and walked with shoto. shoto had a black shirt that also said be happy he had a dark blue hoodie and iida had a yellow hoodie bakugou kicked iida to the ground iida had a skrach on his cheak shoto told bakugou to back off "thc" bakugou walked away and wisperd at iida "stayaway from my senpi bich" iida gulped shoto helped iida and thay whent to awzawas class shoto pecked iidas cheak and iida bit his finger shoto gasped and act like it hurt iida let go "WAIT IM SORRY" he said with a sad face shoto told iida that he was just playing iida pouted like a 5 yro thay got to awzawas class and toke a seat

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iidas pov

i cant belive he act hurt i was going to cry :( i whent to my dorm and ploped on my bed i herd the door crack open shoto came in with no shirt i blushed really hard my face turned red he looked so hot i was lisening to alen walker the specter goodsong you should hear it he walked to me "why you blushing huh ;)"

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[just freids right] idia x shotoWhere stories live. Discover now