Chapter 4

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"It seems Dazai and Chuuya weren't here today. I wonder what's going on." Odasaku was talking to the principal, Mori Ouagi.

"Ahh yes, I got a call from Chuuya's mother this morning. Dazai is going through some personal issues at home. Chuuya is the only one she trusts at the moment so she is staying with her until they get everything settled." Mori said as he was looking through some papers, you know, normal principal stuff.

"Oh is something wrong? I won't tell anyone, but can you please tell me?" Odasaku was worried, but he didn't show it.

"Well I had no idea of the situation, her dad was so nice when I met him. It honestly took me by surprise when Miss. Nakahara told me about this. Apparently, Dazai is a victim of abuse from her own father. Kouyou has said that she is calling CPS, which I assume she already did." Mori was completely serious and worried. His job as a principal is to keep his students in line, and most of all, safe. And he's hating himself because he managed to keep a student unsafe.

Odasaku felt his heart drop. He's known Dazai's since she was a baby. He used to date her mother in high school, before they found out they were better off as friends and broke up. They've been good friends since then, and he's was one of the first to know that she was pregnant with her. He got to hold this beautiful baby girl for the first time, and if he's being completely honest, he cried.

Just like how he cried so much on the night he found out on the news that she had died in a fire along with other people. He only knew that only two had escaped. A man and a three year old girl. Dazai and her father were the only two who survived.

Mori had seen the scared look on his face and got curious.

"Odasaku, is there something you need to say? You know you can trust me right?" Mori said as he motioned for Odasaku to take a seat.

Odasaku told him everything, and Mori listened quietly. He handed him a couple tissues when he was done talking.

"Hey, how about I give you the address to Chuuya's house and you go pay her a visit. I think she'd like that." Mori wrote down and gave it to him.

Odasaku took it and placed it in his pocket, he needed to see her right away so he got up and walked out of the room. Mori stopped him.

"Hey Oda?" Mori called out to him.

"Yes sir?" Odasaku said

"Make sure she's safe."

"I will. I promise."

And with that Odasaku was walking out to his car.

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