Chapter 17: Fight against a Dark Herrscher

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The two Herrschers stared at each other. The others took out their weapon and their fight stance.

"This is between her and me." Mars said coldly

They all looked at him.

"Bronya doesn't understand, why you don't us to help."

He stepped forward. The girls took him serious when he didn't look at them, to answer.

"She is powerful, just like me. I want to fight her alone."

Ava stood there laughing.

"I'm stronger than you, and you know it."

He stayed quiet.

"They still don't know your secret do they?"

"Shut up!"

Ava locked eyes with Mars sister.

"Does she know the reason, why you didn't want her to be a dark Herrscher?"

"I said shut up!"

"Mars what is she talking about?" Scarlet asked

Ava smiled.

"Are you going tell them?"

The boy stood there.

"I know Kevin is watching. Is he going come out the shadows."

"I got this. I don't need help."

Ava chuckled.

"You might as well tell them. They are going to find out soon."

"Mars. I already know." Fu Hua said

"Do you still accept me?"

"I do."

"Fu Hua you know about my power. This fight might get out of hang. Please keep them safe."

"I will, but are you going to tell them?"

"Maybe. Maybe after this fight."

Ava charged at the boy.

"You abandoned us and the cause!"

The boy blocked the attack with his arm.

"Kevin showed me your cause was wrong!"

"What are they talking about?" Kiana asked

"We might hear it." Fu Hua said

Mars punched Ava in the face sending flying into a wall.

"What do you want? Why are you here?"

"Guys what's going?"

The girls turned around to see Himeko and Theresa.

"Mars is fighting a dark Herrscher named Ava.

The two looked showed.

"I want the Herrscher of Dread...dead!"

Ava charged at the boy again.

"Show me your true power!"

"That power is locked away."

Ava screamed.

"You are a Dark Herrscher! Embrace it."

Ava slashed the boy across the face, with her greatsword. The boy flew into a wall.

He spat out blood.

"Yes, I'm a dark Herrscher! I was the leader! Kevin saved me from that."

Ava chuckled.

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