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FREYA MAJORS HAD spent the last two months in an awfully weird state. It was summer and she had spent all of her time with her family, but went to bed at night with tears rolling down her cheeks.

It had been over a month since Freya had last talked to Harry Potter, and she missed him every day. She knew she couldn't reach out to him, that would only make things worse, but she desperately wished a letter would arrive for her. Everyday she'd look out her bedroom window, just hoping Hedwig would fly into sight.

She felt lost without his presence, the two had grown so incredibly close during their time together. It felt like the universe wasn't right with them apart.

Catherine made her best attempts to cheer Freya up, and the blonde would put on a smile for her family, but inside she felt empty. Finnick had absolutely no idea how to handle his desolate sister, he mostly made jokes in hopes of making her laugh, but usually only received a half hearted smile.

The couple had spent many nights back at their Father's house, leaving their own place empty for days. Both wanted to be there for Freya, who needed them more than she let on.

Greyson knew his daughters pain and mostly left her alone, he knew Freya wasn't a huge talker, but if she ever needed him, he would be there in a heartbeat. It was moments like those where Greyson missed Naomi, his wife was always better at understanding their daughter. When Freya was little, it was always Naomi who was able to figure just what was bothering the little blonde, it was like she could read her mind.

Freya did her best to put on a good front, because the reason she was upset didn't lie with Harry alone. She knew full well this could be one of the last times she'd see her family. Her hugs were genuine and she hoped to leave them with as many good memories as she could.

"Knock knock," A polite voice came from Freya's bedroom door, and Catherine soon after poked her head in, "Permission to enter?"

The brunette however didn't wait for permission, and instead wandered in, laying down next to Freya who was positioned on her carpet, staring up at the ceiling above her.

"Permission denied." Freya sighed, rolling over to face the woman next to her, "What's up?"

"Just checking in on you." Catherine answered.

"I don't need a babysitter Catherine-" Freya started but was interrupted by the other woman.

"Not what I meant," Catherine continued, "I'm talking about this whole war going on."

Freya looked at her and sighed , rolling over to her back again, "I guess I'm fine."

The woman nodded, not entirely buying her response.

"Can you keep a secret?" Freya spoke up after a moment, sitting up.

"Of course."

"Even if it's really bad?"

"Yes Freya."

The blonde went on to tell everything to Catherine, how she was connected to Harry and any harm that came to him would befall her as well. She also explained Dumbledore's cryptic warnings and discussions of the war, still not sure what to make of them. It was a dark conversation. Catherine sat silently listened as Freya shared, her own heart sinking, and for the first time Freya saw Catherine Bellford frown.

"So this could be the last time they see you?" Catherine looked at her, her large eyes almost bearing into Freya's soul, "The last time we could all see you?"

Freya paused for a moment, her frown yet to leave her face, "Yeah."

"Oh Freya," Catherine pulled the girl into a tight hug. The embrace brought sadness to Freya, she was going to miss Catherine, but she was so happy her brother had found her.

"You can't tell them," Freya added while still tightly wrapped in Catherine's boney arms, "They can't know."

"This could be goodbye Freya," Catherine shook her head, "They should know that."

"No." Freya responded immediately, "If they know they aren't going to let me fight, it doesn't matter if I stay here or not, if Harry dies I'm going with him."

Catherine didn't like what the girl had to say, but knew the truth in it. She gave Freya her word of keeping her secret, knowing full well just how hard that would be.

"Ok," Catherine said after a moment, wiping a tear from her cheek, "Since I'm keeping your secret, can you keep one of mine?"

"Of course." Freya nodded, not sure what the woman was referring to.

Catherine promptly stood up and walked out of the room, "Stay here."

Freya waited impatiently on her sister-in-law's return, which was a few minutes later with her purse in hand. The woman then sat down crossed legged to match Freya.

"Your father doesn't know yet, and I promised Finnick I'd wait," She started, "But I think I should tell you,"

"You're pregnant!" Freya had a sudden outburst, not even needing Catherine to finish her sentence, before jumping to her feet with excitement, "You're pregnant aren't you!"

"Shh" Catherine attempted to shush the girl, but it had already caught the attention of a nosey Greyson and Finnick, who were trying to listen in.

"Catherine!" Finnick protested like a child, "You told her without me?!"

Freya was filled to the brim with joy for her brother, and rather than treat him to her usual sarcastic remark, she leaped up and gave him a giant hug, "Congratulations Finn."

It had been a while since his little sister had hugged him, so it came as a shock at first, but he quickly gave her squeeze. Greyson was next, tightly embracing his son. It was a proud moment.

"This is amazing!" Freya smiled brightly, the most genuine she had in months, "You guys are going to be incredible parents."

"Well Finnick did learn from the best," Greyson said proudly, happy to see his children in such an elated state.

"Shut it Dad," Both Majors siblings spoke in unison, earning a laugh from everyone in the room.

"Woahh-" Greyson chucked, "Can't a man make a joke around here?"

"Yeah but only if it's funny." Finnick retorted, putting up hand for a high five from his little sister, who happily obliged.

had to give y'all a little happy after last chapter, hope you guys aren't toooo mad at me;)

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