So let's talk about me

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Dear Diary,

My name is Susan Ellen Lester, but my friends, as many as I have 😡, call me SEL. It sounds a lot like sell💵, but it's my name and it's better than Susan, 👩but anyway, enough about me. Oh wait, this chapter is all about me so sit down, get some tissues, and listen to my sad😿 tale.

The thing is, I don't have much of a sad tale so this might be a boring 😴chapter for me to write because, I already know all about the fabulous me.👩✨🌟

Okay, when you usually meet a person, 👦you see how they look and I'm not meeting you face😑 to face so I'll describe moi (which means me in french👨). I'm taller 👍than most of the girls in my class and if I wear heels 👠 I'm taller than most of the boys 👦in my grade 😞. I have huge eyes that are every kind of shade of blue 👀 💙. I have chestnut brown hair 👩that is very straight, soft and is hard to brush on bad hair day Monday 📅. I have a pale skin ton and I never get a tan even when I try. I never have my own style, I always pick a new fashion look to describe that little part of me. I'm not crazy on make-up, 👄👀but I do wear it. For example, clear mascara👌 because my eyelashes 👀 are way to thick and long to put normal mascara on them (it looks like 2 spiders 🐜died 😲on my face👩, in short, it doesn't look right😕), lip gloss in all different colors 👄, little bit of eyeshadow, and a light shade of blush☺️. That's how I look and I never intend to do any plastic surgery. In short, I feel and look good so you shouldn't judge.😬

You know those nice popular girls in those movies and you say to yourself 😀 "I want to be that girl." If you did, we're twins👭 😱 because I'm not that kind of girl 😭 and I said that every time. I've also said, "Why do all the popular girls get all the cute guys." Then I blow into a tissue and my mother asked me if I want a 🐱 cat. But I already have one cat 🐱 and I'm not becoming the cat person. 🐱+👩= 😟 No!

My mother 👸 is a great person because she always has been behind me. I used to think so until my mother 👸took me to a sewing store. I loved it 😍 and wanted everything, but mom had a different opinion.
"Why want to see the fashion aspect when you could be something more on the leadership side. Maybe a lawyer or the president?" 😇My mother having high hopes for my future was a total understatement👿. I talk to my friend Caitlin 😺, but she said I was I "overreacting" 😡. What is with that?
Anyway, still trying to win the war 💣🔫🔪over whether ripped jeans are allowed to be worn to school🏫.

Anyway, mom gets sup 😡mad if I even try to get her to buy more fabric. 😳 I've done some awesome designs👗 so far and summer ☀️is almost over! Oh no, moms calling me for more, "if you want to get into college🏢, you got to get a job at 1⃣4⃣". OMG, just realize that the start of High School is starting next week. WHAT?!? 😱 "Ya, I'm coming mom!"

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