Chapter 1- Pilot

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Author's Note: Thank you for checking out our story! For some context, Maria's parts are written by Rosalinda and Jack's parts are written by Ame.

Maria Third Person POV

Beep beep beep.....beep beep beep

Maria, sighing: "Tch...... It's time to wake up already?...... shouldn't have gone to sleep so late last night"

"Meow, Meeeow "

"Aww did the alarm wake you, Ginger? C'mon....come'ere"

The white and orange striped cat purred its way to Maria's bed. This was another fresh morning in Maria's small apartment, waking up after exactly six beeps of the alarm at 7:00 am sharp was something that she always did, since she could remember. Mr Ginger was the black-haired woman's pet cat (recently found outside), that she liked to call her "life companion".

"Okay kitty, let's start our day now, I got an important project that needs to be submitted today, it's also my first day at work today......I wonder how it's gonna be"

The girl got up from her bed and hummed her way to the bathroom, after brushing her teeth and hair, she got out of there to prepare herself and Mr Ginger some breakfast.

Jack Third Person POV


Jack awoke with a start to his alarm. Fumbling to turn it off, he groaned as he got out of bed, which creaked under his weight.

"Breakfast... hmm..." There were leftovers in the fridge, that would do.

Afterwards, he went to the bathroom to brush his hair and teeth, just get ready for the day overall. As he showered, his new tattoo stung from the soap, but he didn't have time to worry about that. He had to go to his early morning trade school class. He didn't know if he'd have the energy for that and his job at the pizza place later that night...

Maria Third Person POV

Maria got out of the shower and hummed her way out of the bathroom while drying her wet hair with a towel.

"You know, Ginger, I have a strange feeling that something good will happen today... welp, I better not be late for my morning classes then."

She said, giving a smile to the feline, who reacted with a meow. Maria got to the kitchen and prepared herself and Mr Ginger breakfast. After finishing it up while listening to some peaceful music to mediate, she got up and got ready to leave.

"Got the keys...and phone... And oh! Can't forget my wallet, okay then I am off, kitty, be a good cat and look after the house and yourself while I am gone, okay? Bye."

Jack Third Person POV

Jack dried himself off and put on his clothes, a simple t-shirt, jeans, and loose-fitting hoodie. His flat seemed so quiet. He longed for a pet but was too broke to even consider it.

They say you must have money to make money, which Jack prayed wasn't true, or else he'd be screwed.

Suddenly, his mum called, and he immediately picked up the phone.

"Hello, mum. Yes, yes, I'm fine. I have to go to school though, I'm running late, I'll call you back."

He slipped on his trainers, his bag, and slipped his phone into his pocket. Another web development class... They didn't have the funds to send him to university. He never wanted any higher education anyway, but after a year or two of living in the city, he decided that trade school was the best. He was bright enough to study something a bit harder, but overall, he was just grateful he was the first of his family to escape their hometown.

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