Chapter 4- Friend-Related Grievances

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Maria Third Person POV

"It's okay, I think Maria should be formal enough for now, Jack, so don't worry about it"

Jack Third Person POV

Jack was more than a bit stunned. Where did that sweet, demure girl come from? Surely not Maria? Damn....was it just him that she acted that coldly with? That wasn't exactly doing wonders for his ego, so he told himself to stop thinking about it so much.

And then there was her smile. It was dark out, but that smile could've lit up the whole city. Rarely was Jack speechless, but maybe the unexpectedness of it rendered him such. At the very least, they were on a first-name basis now. Jack was pretty sure Maria must hate him though, if she acted that aloof with him but so nice to others... too bad. It was strange, normally he didn't care if people didn't like him, but the fact that this lady didn't bother him. Still, he went on, trying to play it cool.

"Well, Maria, that was pretty decent. Especially for a first-timer. Keep that up and there shouldn't be a problem."

Jack knew very well this was a huge understatement, but the embarrassment from earlier, the shock of seeing how different Maria could act, and not to mention the subsequent conclusion that she must particularly hate him, well... It had kind of closed him off. However, seeing Maria's smile drop ever so slightly, he wished he'd been a little nicer, but he felt too awkward to fix it now...

"Come on, let's get back in the van and finish off the last couple of deliveries, we should try to make it to the bar soon."

They settled into their seats and set off once again.

After finishing the last couple of deliveries, they headed to the club.

Maria Third Person POV

They were in front of the club and Maria looked at Jack, thanking him again for the lift as she got out of the van.

"Well, thanks again, Jack. I hope you will be able to find your friend soon, this club looks really crowded so we may as well say goodbye now. Thank you for this evening's company. It wasn't half bad."

She said this before starting to walk away, not even having the slightest idea of what the future might hold.

She texted Rachel: Hey, I am outside the club, tell me where you are, so I can meet up with you and take you home.

Five minutes passed and there still was no response, Maria sighed to herself, hoping Rachel hadn't passed out or something. Maria decided to head inside to look for her. But as she entered, she was struck with loud and awful heavy metal bursting out of the speakers, the room brimming with the stench of alcohol. She couldn't remember the last time she went to a club as crowded as this one.

Jack Third Person POV

Jack caught a glimpse of Angus in the corner and went over to him. Angus looked fairly sober.

Jack, with a chuckle: "Designated driver?"

Angus, sighing: "Yeah, unfortunately."

Jack, reassuring Angus: "Look, I'll take Josh home to mine to sleep it off, can you keep an eye on Rachel and make sure she's safe and gets home?"

Angus: "Sure, her friend should be picking her up soon anyway."

With that, Jack marched over to the couple.

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