A million bucks. To 98% of americans sounds nice. To me however, thats a decent donation. Before you all get sturred up, lets think for a moment.
Millions of people die no matter what, right; but if you can help them instead of buying that new pontiac you want you can't go wrong. Actually not a pontiac but a simple car is what i want. You may think all rich people give there daughters everything right? Wrong. I get the same as my in debt friend. Why? Well my dad says hes rich because he worked hard and he SAVED and INVESTED. Did you know you earn a million dollars in your life. Now go pay your morgage off. Dont take out too many loans and invest well. Even $100 can turn into $1,000 or much much more. What if half of that million turned into 4 million. With some good investing in the market and work a lot more than 1% could be rich.
First off for those who don't believe my family is wealthy here are some facts:
I'm adopted.
My family fostered over 400 kids.
My parents are 71 and 73 (D#MN)
My dad's whole family, both sides, was rich.
My dad worked hard and went to harverd(1 year) and yale(8 years) for regional and ceo placment at his own chain and ZEROX.
He saved zerox's chicago region and was BEST FRIENDS with the head ceo recieve about his own pay.
Theres a lot more but you get the point.
So why? Why do i care? I am SO sick and tired of STRANGERS telling me how much of a b word i am. Hmmmm because they heard i was rich they assume im the thing that ryhmes with that. Yea... im done with that junk. For now ill call this chaper zero(x).
Please ask any questions so i can clear up this stupid conspireicy.
If you hate now.. you didnt have to read this so be respecful.