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*********AUTHORS NOTE*****
This is an updated version to An Alien Love, but it is now called Forbidden Law.

(Three hours before)

The still autumn night felt deafening. The silence itself seemed almost to be a living thing. The low rumbling body of the spacecraft drifted nimbly to the cold ground, the camouflage technology making it meld into the cornfield as if nothing were there at all. Rodents and birds scattered for cover, blind as to what was happening, but they still weren't fools. Their instincts screamed at them to run, hurry. Hide.

Hissing steam rose off the metal surface in slow curls while blue lights blinked in startling bursts. A piece of the metalwork began to melt away, seemingly turning to liquid in a matter of seconds. Light poured its' way to the freshly turned soil. But a tall figure silhouetted a black cardboard cutout against the bright light and stood still. The head turned slowly from side to side, taking in the new surroundings.

And he frowned. He was most definitely a he because of the way he stood, like a prince, and the way his marble blue skin stretched around his six fingers. But he wasn't a man. No, not a man at all. He was only seventeen in human years, just a newborn infant on his home planet.

His sharp mind cataloged and processed the croaking of birds, the chirp of crickets, and the faint orange on the rim of the sky. Most strange. What was it called? He didn't know a thing about this new planet, and yet they had sent him anyway. The 'they' was the Council, the unpredictable leaders of his beloved world. The only things they had prepared him with was a necklace that had the ability to don any creature he wished and a strange smooth and shiny object that was able to fold. When he had opened it the first time, he had been baffled. Thin sheets of a material unknown to his species were sitting motionless. And of course, the small coin that produced the hologram of the Council.

His leaders had explained to him that whenever he used the smooth object with green material, they would automatically replace themselves with another one of its kind. That was one of the few things they had told him. He was new to this world, but he was definitely not the first here. Thousands of years by this worlds' standards had fueled his peoples curiosity.

His frown grew deeper, shoulder length black wisps of hair swaying with the playful breeze. He didn't have a nose to breath though, so he didn't smell the faint hint of wood smoke that it carried on its cold currents. Nor did he know that the field he now stood in was only an acre big, not comparing to the large masses of trees surrounding it that comprised of woods with houses nestled periodically in its folds.

His brilliant jade green eyes swept watchfully on the corn stocks, cocking his head to one side. What strange things. Everything seemed dark and oddly shaped in his eyes. On his planet, Morfilinik, everything was a bright neon shade, delightful yet scary at the same time. His...people...were all different shapes and sizes, colors and types. But this planet...

Suddenly, his head snapped up, now aware of a strange sound. It filtered and danced through the plantation, slowly making its way to him. He quickly decided to get off his safe haven now, no longer in need of it. His speed was instantaneous, soundless and quick. The metal doorway built upwards now, instead of melting, crawling its way to the last of the light. The craft hovered in the air for a second or two, its orders to return to its owners given. The lights turned red, not able to make their way past the ships camouflage.

And then it was gone.

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