Pictured Rocks

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As I've said, I like to camp. A lot. I backpack all over the place, kayak down rivers, and I've enjoyed my hammock in all four seasons many times now. I'm usually alone when I go, because, well, not many people like to camp as much as I do. CeeCee, like most people pictured me struggling against the elements, fighting off wildlife, and generally being miserable the whole time. Finally, about a year after we were together, I convinced her to go camping with me. Here's the story I posted in July 2020, and the pictures I put with it.

I took my girl camping this weekend! The place was over 4 hours away, but totally worth it. If you've never heard of Pictured Rocks in Michigan's Upper Peninsula, you're missing out!

 If you've never heard of Pictured Rocks in Michigan's Upper Peninsula, you're missing out!

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We left at 4:00 in the morning. Since I was awake anyway, it really wasn't a big deal. CeeCee slept almost the whole way. I woke her up once we got there, and we were greeted by the last thing a new camper wants to see...warning signs.

warning signs

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Me: Don't worry about the bears

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Me: Don't worry about the bears. In all the times I've been camping, I've only seen one, like, twice.

CC: That's not reassuring. What about these stable flies?

Me: Oh, they're horrible, but they've been out for a month and a half by now. They should be just about done.

CC: (stern look) Annie...

The first day was only a 5 mile hike. It had been raining all morning, but we started after it was mostly done. We played on a beach and had lunch, made Squidward, and found the abandoned car.

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