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No A/N

Ben P.O.V.

What the-  I thought as I felt something warm touch my lips.  I think I knew what it was, so I didn't pull away. 

I was right.

It was Erica. 

As we pulled away, we both snapped our helmets, just in case Catherine somehow popped up right where we were.  We were pretty silent after that.  Besides the occasional look to each other while the we weren't looking, we looked pretty much like an average HYDRA agent.  Now all we had to do was locate the new location of the genetic material.  

"Erica?" I asked, after finally giving in to curiosity.

"Yeah?" She answered in a dreamy, far off voice (Note: guess it does happen!).

"Why'd you," I fidgeted with my hands, "You know-" 


It took Erica a second to process what I meant. "Well, I like you Ben."

Now I was super confused.  So of course, I did what everyone does when they learn that their crush likes them; stutter like utter fools.

"Er- uh- I- eh..." I turned red, "What?"

"I said," Erica repeated, "I like you."

Well there you have it.  The great Benjamin Ripley who's apparently better at relationships than Erica, figured this stuff out AFTER she did.  Slow claps for Ben.  Sigh.  Sorry for the late update, btw.  Okee, that's all for now.  CYA!

Thy_User OUT!

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