2 | Fluff Alphabet

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Fluffy concepts for y/n and Spencer Reid!

A = Attractive

(what do they find attractive about the other?)

Y/n definitely finds Spencer's smarts really attractive. She's always so entranced by how much he knows, and how passionate he gets about what he's talking about. She likes hearing him talk about everything from the amounts of corn kettles on the average cob, to how many boats are on Lake Mead. Beside his smarts, Y/n loves his nose. She thinks he has the cutest, most boopable nose.

Spencer can't decide what he finds most attractive about Y/n. He really likes your confidence. He thinks it's really attractive that you are so undeniably yourself. He also loves your lips. He often finds himself staring at them, so entranced by how they move when you speak. He also can't get enough when he kisses them.

B = Baby

(do they want a baby? why or why not?)

Spencer definitely wants a baby or even multiple. Spencer loves being with kids, and the thought of having his own with you just warms his heart so much. He would love to be able to see a little mixture of the two of you that represents your love for one another.

Y/n also would love kids, but only with Spencer. She never really wanted to have children before she met him, but the sight of Spencer with JJ's children and her other friends' kids just makes her melt. She loves seeing Spencer playing with them and making them laugh, and she would love to see that every day with their own children.

C = Cuddle

(how do they cuddle?)

Spencer a Y/n are huge cuddlers. Most times Spencer is big spoon because he loves to hold her in his arms. He likes the feeling of being her protector, and just holding onto her. Other times they face each other while they cuddle. It's like they're hugging while laying down. Y/n likes to face Spencer because she likes resting her head on Spencer's chest and listening to his heart beat.

D = Dates

(what are dates with them like?)

Dates between Spencer and Y/n are always fun. They both are more stay-at-home people, so they just like to spend time with each other. Dates often entail cooking a meal together, reading to each other, and just spending quality time together. If the do decide to go out, it would be some place quiet with not a lot of people.

E = Everything

("you are my ____" ex. my life, my world...)

You are my best friend. Spencer and Y/n had been best friends for years before they decided to start dating. Y/n had started to develop feelings for Spencer, and once you knew you were falling for him, you were done for. Everything you loved about his as your best friend just magnified when you developed feelings for him.

F = Feelings

(when did they know they were falling in love?)

Spencer knew he had feelings for Y/n ever since he met her. They were best friends, and he just couldn't help but fall for her. The first time he really knew was when he was running late for work. At the time, they had only been friends for about a year. Spencer was stressed out and had forgotten to pack a lunch for himself. On his lunch break, he called Y/n as he usually did, and let her know he had forgot his lunch when she questioned what he brought that day. When they hung up, Y/n surprised his by bringing his favorite Thai food takeout. From that simple gesture, Spencer knew he felt something special for her.

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