Don't Leave Me Here

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Ccino's P.o.V

"Outertale? Wow! That sounds pretty!" I said clapping my hands together. "Yeah, it's pretty relaxing as well," Nightmare said. "Nightmare, is something wrong?" I asked. "No..." He answered. I sat down and told him to sit. He instead laid down so I laid down as well. The stars are beautiful.

I and Nightmare chatted away until I fell asleep.

Nightmare's P.o.V

Ccino fell asleep an hour ago. I got up and it woke him up. "Y'know, this place is really beautiful, thanks for bringing me," Ccino told me. "Whatever, I'm leaving," I said. "Are you gonna bring me home?" He asked. "Not my problem," I said as I was sinking into the ground. "But I don't know how to get ho-"

I was in my room. I could still feel his negative energy. "Boss! Where've you been?" Horror asked. "He probably has a secret boyfriend," Error told Horror in his glitchy voice. "SHUT UP!" I yelled blushing. "See! He's even blushing!" Error yelled. "SHUT UP! Or I'll tell everyone about it," I said. "You wouldn't dare..." Error said.

"Watch me."

Ccino's P.o.V

"Please come back..." I cried. "Don't leave me here..."

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