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SHE HAD TRIED TO CONVINCE Natasha to let her come on the mission, hell to even ride on the jet to receive Loki whom of which they had spotted a few moments prior. But, with a harsh look from not only Natasha and Phil, the girl muttered curses under her breath and gave up. Now, she stood in the training room with tape wrapped around her hands as she punched the punching bag.

She knew they were only doing it because they cared about her. But, Olivia had healing powers. Her bullet wound was practically gone now, the smallest of scars left in the place in which she had been shot. It was making her quite irritated. The brunette continued to punch the bag, her jaw clenched as she kept going at it, stopping only when someone cleared their throat. She looked up, noticing Maria Hill standing there. Olivia gave the woman a small smile, watching as she walked further into the room.

     "I only have a few minutes, but I wanted to check in and see how you were doing." Maria told the female, stopping a few feet in front of her.

     "Honestly, I'm perfectly fine. But, no one seems to believe that." Olivia answered, irritation filling her voice. Maria shrugged her shoulders.

     "They're only doing this because they care about you, you know that don't you?"

     "Of course I know that." Olivia spoke, nodding her head. "It's just frustrating, knowing what I can do. I'm the first of my kind that S.H.I.E.L.D. has personally met, and they just don't know how to handle me."

     "That's because you can't be handled." Maria said with a raised eyebrow, as if the woman should know this. Olivia let out a scoff, though a smile was on her face. She placed a hand on Olivia's shoulder. "I know you don't like it when you can't accompany those on missions. But, it's just for today."

     "Doctors orders shouldn't apply to me." Olivia muttered, earning an amused look from the agent. She looked at Maria, giving her a small smile. "You should go before Fury realizes you've walked away from your post to speak to me, aka the one person that ignores everything he says."

     Maria rolled her eyes at the woman, starting towards the door. "You know, that's going to get you fired one day."

     "I've been threatened by that factor the past ten years I've been here."  Olivia joked. She watched Maria shake her head before leaving the training facility and leaving the girl alone once more. She softly sighed before turning back towards the punching bag, abusing it once more. After a few moments, her nose scrunched up. She turned her head just in time to see Loki walk by with agents surrounding him. The god turned to look at her, a smirk on her features whilst her eyes started to glow and her fangs started to extend from her jaw. One minute alone with that guy, and she would find a way to kill him. No matter what it took.

When he walked away Olivia turned her glowing eyes towards the punching bag and with yell she hit the punching bag so hard that it flew across the room, breaking. She let out deep breaths, clenching her fists and closing her eyes as she forced herself to calm down.

     "What did the punching bag ever do to you?" Natasha's voice filled the room, making the wolf open her eyes and turn her head towards the redhead. Natasha had a raised eyebrow and her signature smirk covering her face before she pushed off the door frame and made her way over to the woman.

     "Well, it was in the vicinity of my fist, so be glad it wasn't the wall."  Olivia answered with a soft sigh. She woman moved her hair behind her ear, looking at Natasha. "How'd the mission I wasn't allowed to go on go?"

     "Well, we got Loki." Natasha answered, crossing her arms as she shrugged her shoulders and took a few steps closer to Olivia.

     "Without me." Olivia muttered.

     "Liv." Natasha spoke with a sigh. Olivia held up a hand in response.

     "It's fine." Olivia assured. "I'm just being a pain in the ass." She gave Natasha a small smile as she unwrapped her hands of the tape, throwing it into the trash.

     "That was a fresh pair of wrap." Natasha protested, pointing towards the now thrown away wrap.

     "It was intoxicated with my anger." Olivia defended. Natasha let out a scoff, rolling her eyes whilst Olivia chuckled in amusement before walking out of the training area with Natasha close on her heels.

 Natasha let out a scoff, rolling her eyes whilst Olivia chuckled in amusement before walking out of the training area with Natasha close on her heels

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𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐍𝐎𝐖, 𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑━︎━︎ N. Romanoff (𝑟𝑒𝑣𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑒𝑑) Where stories live. Discover now