16. Come back

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Zayn was absolutely insistent that he went home with Harry - and of course, Harry wasn't going to argue with him about it, because he would be completely lying to himself if he said he didn't want Zayn in his presence for any reason whatsoever, even if his face was starting to swell.

So the car ride back consisted of a slightly tipsy Zayn post a few tequila shots, rattling off about how stupid he thought Kennedy's party really was and how wasted Seth was getting lately, as if he and Harry hadn't just spent weeks without speaking to each other.

But Harry didn't mind listening to any of Zayn's words, even with their soft slightly-drunken slur, because the sound of his voice was still soothing, and he thought that he could probably listen to Zayn talk about anything and everything he wanted to.

Once the Volvo pulled into Harry's driveway, Zayn exited the car with a slam and nearly tripped over a cluster of rocks, but caught himself just in time to stop and notice the newest addition on the side of Harry's house.

"Been busy huh?"

"Yeah, just a little landscaping project for the Spring," said Harry as he fumbled with the key to his front door.

"Hmm, watcha plantin?"

"Rose bushes."

"Roses," he mimicked softly, smiling to himself.

They both entered Harry's house and Zayn flipped on the lights while Harry immediately moved swiftly to the bathroom. He bent his arms forward on the sink counter, inspecting his right eye in the mirror.

It was swollen, his top eyelid puffy and sore - already starting to bruise underneath with a faint violet hue forming beneath his skin. He groaned outwardly and plopped down on top of the toilet seat lid, leaning his elbows on his knees with his head in his hands, feeling frustrated.

What am I going to tell everyone at work when they see me like this?

Zayn then entered the bathroom shortly afterward holding a freezer bag filled with ice. Harry lifted his head up and looked at Zayn's with his half glazed eyes in proper lighting - his light blue hair all messy and unkempt, just standing on his side in a Rolling Stones t-shirt and black leather jacket, all sexy and cool looking, Harry thought, and he smelled like a combination of something minty and hard liquor.

Zayn proceeded to get down on the bathroom floor, kneeling beside Harry as his brown knees poked through the ripped holes of his light blue jeans and he reached a hand up to press the bag of ice on Harry's eye. Harry winced for a second from the sudden impact of icy cold, but felt the throbbing subside just slightly.

"I know it's cold as fuck but you gotta keep this on it," said Zayn as he met Harry's moss eyes, which made him feel just a little bit warmer in spite of the ice.

"Seth is such a little prick," Harry grumbled to himself as he reached his hand up to grab the bag from Zayn, who promptly swatted him way and continued holding it there himself.

"No Harry, I got it. And you're right, he is a prick. He was jacked up on coke too."

"Cocaine? Yeah, I knew he was on something. I saw it in his pupils."

"Yeah well I dunno what's happenin to him. He's angry all the time, then he thinks he's hot shit...actin all high and mighty but he's just a fuckin mess," said Zayn as he pressed the ice bag into Harry's eye a little firmer and Harry winced again.

"So...does Seth come onto you like that a lot?" Harry questioned, quirking a brow.

Please say no.

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