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"Yeol, strawberries okay?"

"Hubby, massage me!"

"Yeol, milk!"

"Yeol, pineapples!"

So right now, I did nothing but follow Baekhyun, He's pregnant and I'm willing to do everything for him. I do everything he says and I also can't believe that I obey him EVERYTHING, but it's okay if that's what makes him happy.

I also quit my part-time. Sehun, Luhan taking care of him. At first, I would not agree but Baekhyun said let it go but I'm flustered, I can pay Luhan soon.

"Yah, don't eat anything, especially sweets. You'll gain weight." I said jokingly to Baekhyun. The way he ate now is serious.

"What did you...say??" Oh well. Here we go again. I remember he was sensitive these past few days.

"Uh, nothing..." He let go of what he was eating while looking at me badly. "What did you say?" He asked flatly. I didn't mean to okay?

[ENG] hyung • chanbaekhunWhere stories live. Discover now