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* I can shift very easily
* I cannot leave my DR accidentally
* I cannot forget my safe word/phrase/action
* I have a watch that tells me what time it is in my CR
* I have a mirror in my dorm where when I say "show me the other side" I can see what is happening in my CR
* I cannot die
* I have high pain tolerance
* When I wake up I remember everything that happened in my DR
* My clone will act as I normally do, she will stay healthy, do her work, etc.
* 1 hour in my CR= 2 weeks in my DR
* Dementors cannot hurt me
* I cannot be traumatized
* No one I care about can die (friends, family, love interests, etc)
* I have my own dorm in the Slytherin Tower
* Everyone respects me and treats me kindly
* I cannot gain weight
* I cannot break out (get acne)
* Time stops when I leave my DR and resumes where I left off when I come back
* I cannot fail any assigments or tests I get 100's on everything without having to study
*I never stink
*I have all of my school supplies
*I have permission to go to Hogsmaede
*I am never late for class
*My room is always clean
*My clothes are always clean
*I know my school schedule
*My friends are in my classes
*I cannot sweat
*Voldemort no longer exists, Voldemort is dead, he died when he killed my parents
*No one asks me about my past or my parents
*I dont get tired after I exercise meaning I dont het sore or anything, and I don't sweat
*I am 100% safe in my DR
*I cannot get attached to my DR
*I have perfect eyesight and hearing
*My lips can't/don't get chapped
*My breath never stinks, not even in the morning
*My clone will not tell anyone that I have shifted
*My clone is aware she has shifted
*My clone will do very well on tests, will get homework done, will attend classes, will eat, stay hydrated etc. she will act as I normally do
*Fred likes me back bruh

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