Falling for you

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Virgil's Pov.

Time seems to fly by quickly. It's already halfway through September. Janus, Remus, and Roman have kept the habit of sitting with me at lunch. I mostly listen to my music and draw while they ramble about things. I still stutter when I do manage to talk to Roman, I try my best to listen to his interests, mostly him talking about theatre or the many musicals he's into. Today is one of those days. "Have you ever listened to any Musicals, Virgil?" He asks me, His emerald eyes shimmering as he speaks. "I-I have, Not often but I have" I speak hoping my stutter wasn't as noticeable as it felt. He smiles Brighter if that was even possible. "What have you listened to?" His voice filled with joy and excitement." Well uhm Heathers and Beetlejuice mostly".

" I had a feeling you were a fan of Beetlejuice, You are quite a Lydia, In a good way I mean!" He says the last part quite fast and loud.

I nod a bit and look away hoping he can't see the light blush across my cheeks. Before he can say anything the bell rings and We all head to our next classes. I sit in my seat in my study hall before the teachers call me up politely. I head up nervously and she hands me a pass to counselors offices. I thank her before walking down to them and hand the receptionist the note.

"He'll be right with you, take a seat," She says with a kind smile. I nod and sit down a bit nervous, This is my first time meeting my counselor. I used to back in middle school but I never really trusted any of them. Even though my dad (Patton) is one I just don't feel right about talking about my problems. It just makes me feel like a burden.

" I think Mr. Sanders is ready for you now" the receptionist speaks pulling me out of my thoughts. I nod and lightly knock on the office door with Mr.Sanders written in what looks to be marker. The door opens to a smiling man looking to be in his mid 30's. "Nice to finally meet you Virgil, wanna come in?" I nod and sit in one of the chairs. Mr. Sanders closes his door and then sits in his desk chair. I take a quick survey of his office seeing a photo of him and a little girl looking to be about 5 or 6. She must have made the sign for his door. I also spot a few Pride and theatre Pins on his corkboard.

"It's nice to finally meet you, your Dad's and Janus speak very highly of you." I nod "That's good to hear," I say trying to relax a bit. He must have noticed my leg bouncing a bit with anxiety, cause he sits there a second before speaking again.

" I hope you don't mind me taking some time from your study hall, I'd just like to meet you and get to know you a bit so when we meet you can feel a bit more at ease."

"No, it's quite alright I don't have much to work on today."
"Well, I'm glad to hear you're keeping up with the workflow well I'm sure those classes keep you on your toes."

"They certainly do" I nod the rest of the time He asks the usual questions I get from the past counselors, but I find myself able to speak a bit more and feel a bit at ease. I'm not sure why but something about him allows my walls to drop a bit. The bell rings and I grab my bag and get up." It was nice to meet you, Virgil, feel free to ask to see me anytime you have any questions or need to talk" He says with a genuine smile. I Nod and head to my science class and thankfully get there before the bell rings. I sit in my class and look over the board as Logan goes over the lesson. I begin taking notes and focus on the class till the last bell for the day rings and I wait for the rest of the kids to leave before packing. Logan smiles a bit "Today's lesson easy enough for you Virgil?"

"Yeah, I'm not sure everyone else got it as easy though," I say with a slight smirk. He nods and adjusts his glasses. "How was your day today?" I shrug a bit. "Fine I suppose, I met my counselor today."

"Ah you met Mr.Sanders, he's a very nice guy. Your dad and I have known him most of our lives." "Well I should probably head home, I'll see you at home later Dad."

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