You Saved Me

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Chapter 1: 

"Libby, wake up. You're going to be late for school."  Mum said as she gently shook me so I'd wake up. "Ugh." I groaned. I didn't want to wake up and go to school because I knew I would only get bullied as usual so I thought, was the point of going? Mum kept shaking me a bit harder each time. "Mum, If I go, I'm only going to get bullied again." I started crying a bit. Mum sat on the side of the bed and comforted me. "I can't handle getting bullied anymore, no one sticks up for me." I said with a tear rolling down my face. "I know you get bullied a lot but you've just got to stand up to them or tell the teacher." Mum said quickly. "Easier said then done and do I look like a snitch to you?" "You know what, don't answer that." I said. Mum was looking at me with a concerned look on her face. "Fine, I'll get up and go and get an education." I said. Mum went to get breakfast ready while I got dressed. 

I was walking to school and decided to listen to some music while I walked, so I pulled out my phone. The first song that came on was "Little Things" by One Direction. I smiled as I heard the song start to play. I was addicted to One Direction ever since I first heard "What Makes You Beautiful". Their songs really inspired me. I decided that I really wanted to meet them and personally thank them for saving me. They were my hero's, my inspiration, my life and my everything.

It was 8:15 exactly when I got to school. Two of the bulles came over to me. "Oh it's the ugly toad." Bully number one said with a glare. "Maybe she can get a prince to kiss her and she might turn into something pretty. Oh wait, no one would want to go anywhere near her, let alone kiss her." Bully number two said and started laughing. I just stood there in tears. 

Thankyou to everyone who reads this. The next chapter will be up soon. (:

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