thirteen - george

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when i wake up, i feel clay's heavy arm draped around my waist and i glare at his still hand. goosebumps scatter my skin and i mentally debate whether to get up, or stay to see how he reacts.

my inner conflict is short lived, "morning." he says, in a raspy tone. his arm is soon lifted off me and into the air while he hums.

i copy him, stretching my arms above my head before sitting up. it doesn't take long for a headache to form in the centre of my skull. i wince, gently rubbing my temples in the hopes it'll go away. clay's throaty laugh suddenly bellows through the room, so i grab a pillow from beside me and aim is at his head. it misses, and hits his shoulder instead. his laughter only grows at this, but fades as he steps into another room. i assume it's an en-suite, however it could be a really big closet.

he returns with water and two white pills, and i thank the heavens as i take them. together, we travel downstairs, and observe the mess for a second, clay looks at me with an expression i can only describe as yikes.

i nod in agreement, and guiltily start trying to help. i pick up some red solo cups, stacking them in my hands. it takes a minute for clay to begin helping but when he does, he looks lost. scratching his head, he grabs some sort of remote and almost immediately music begins playing. it's considerably quieter than last night's tunes, but i prefer it like this.

i laugh when the party tunes begin again, the same ones from the party, and we continue helping one another clean the room. after what seems like an hour, i tell clay i need to go.

"you don't have to leave." he frowns.

with an apologetic smile, i respond, "i have plans with sapnap today. he asked to hang out yesterday."

he blinks, "you have plans with my friend?"

i can't help but laugh at this, as to which he does too. "what if i just... don't let you leave?"

smiling, i shrug, "i'd rate you zero stars on yelp."

at this, he feigns hurt and holds his hand dramatically to his heart. i giggle, and make my way to the door.

"how did you get a house fully furnished?" i ask suddenly.

"it was my grandfathers, but i had to pay a little for it."

i hum, nodding in understanding. i turn to leave through the door, but clay interrupts me, "where are you going?"

"i have plans, remember?" surely his memory isn't that bad.

he raises a brow, "with sap?" he pauses to watch me nod, "he's in the bathtub."


clay doesn't answer, instead he grabs my hand casually, and leads me into the downstairs bathroom; where sapnap is, in fact, passed out in the bathtub. i snicker at this, and watch as clay nudges sapnap's foot with his own.

after waking him up, clay suggests we shower here as we both look a mess. we agree, wanting to rid ourselves of the smell of alcohol. i wait for sapnap in the living room while he takes his time showering. my mind wanders to last night, and i can't help but replay a certain moment in my head. the moment in which clay was staring at me while he and britt were making out, and i was far too drunk to pretend not to care. i grabbed some random girl and copied clay's actions in retaliation. however, he didn't want to break eye contact, and neither did i.

instead, we just stared at one another while our mouths moved in sync with our partners.

i don't know exactly why i chose to get back at this, but when i saw clay kissing britt, i felt something, and i realise it's not the first time i've felt this way.

it's jealousy.


word count: 667
*in editing*
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