ଘ(˵╹-╹)━☆ 𝙩𝙬𝙤 ☆━ (𝙏𝙒 )

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note, the following chapter may or may not trigger readers with the topic regarding matured themes such as abuse or homophobia, you may skip the chapter :)

"no- this is not wha-"

before i could even finish my sentence, my dad roughly yanked me by my wrist and threw me onto the wooden ground.

my back and head ached from the great impact that was being laid onto me, as i tried to regain my balance, my dad pulled my hair, forcing me to kneel down in front of him.

"you piece of shit, you like men more- you absolutely disgust me. i can't believe i wasted time raising faggots like you."

with that being said, he dragged me down to our house basement and that, was the place where i disliked the most. the lights were rather dim there and i can't really seem to use my vison at this point, but i could only use my hearing.

he slammed the door shut and he threw me down the stairs leading towards the basement, at that time, i was rather surprised that none of my bones had been cracked nor fractured. but regardless, it still hurts a lot.

while he left me on the floor, he seemed to be walking to another corner of the room, picking up objects that were spread out on the table.

of course, just like what any human beings may do at this point, i tried to make stand up quietly to make my way out through the open window.

as if my life weren't a series of unfortunate events, my body was halfway dangling in-between hell and heaven. just one more push and i'll be out.

he was finally going to succeed in escaping this place.


but life isn't as comparable to a fairytale.

what he didn't realise was that there was a figure behind him the whole time, it was almost like he was enjoying to see the injured boy struggling out, which is sickening.

( y'all i find sadistic people hot bye i'm thirsty, time to chug holy water. )

but there he stood quietly, until jeno's body was completely outside, he shattered his dream and swung a baseball bat on his ankle, injuring the boy further as he pulled onto the hem of his shirt causing him to land on his broken ankle.

with more sounds of pain escaping out.


his sadistic self couldn't control it, it was petrifying to most but jeno felt it the most. and as if it wasn't bad enough, his dad kicked him on his stomach loving the way ( you wanna talk ) how he started to spit chunks of blood out.

while he was being distracted by the pain that had came rushing from his stomach, the sadistic took the chance to tie him up with some really rough ropes. it was the type where you would only see them in horror movies or kidnaping scenes, another alternative of sandpapering your wrist.

without any warnings, he took a badminton racket and swung it across his head. not too hard, and neither was it too soft, its just like he didn't want to kill jeno or bleed excessively, but he wanted him to suffer under his hands.

jeno tried to move his hands, to grip onto his aching head. only come back to reality to realise that his hands are clearly being tied up in some rough ropes and here he is moving around with those on.

his hands started to hurt, really bad.

red marks were slowly being engraved onto jeno's skin as the contact between his hands and the roughness of the rope had produced friction, making his glistening eyes let out the salty water that had been dangling there for quite sometime.

"what a weakling, and you call yourself a man- oh wait, you're gay. disgrace to society."


+just finished two exams ;) now hanging out with my crush and his gang and HOLY SHIT I THINK THEY ARE TIYING SOME STRING ON EACH OTHERS PINKY- GAY I SAY GAY.

+them talking about bdsm- ( my head is filled with yaoi cOUGH HELP

+ hi this is me one year later editing and re-pub, yeah i had a crush for a whole year i hate myself for that but hey— gone feelings are gone :D n e ways just wanna say that being gay doesn't mean you turn into a girl ok just means that you like same sex gender get it right homophobes 😪😪

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