"Happy" Travels

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Making our flight with seconds to spare, we had to pretend like we weren't stressed out of our minds as the flight attendants seemed to move slower on purpose, checking all of the luggage was properly stored and safe for take off.
Bella started bouncing her leg nervously, and Alice placed her hand on her shoulder like it was holding her still.
"It's faster than running." She whispered, but Bella didn't stop. Not for the entire flight.

"I'm not sure what he's planning." Alice murmured into her phone once we were in the air. "He keeps changing his mind. One second it's a killing spree through the city, then its attacking the guard, lifting a car over his head in the main square... anything that would expose the Volturi. He knows that's the fastest way to force a reaction." She hushed into the phone, I think she was talking to Jasper.
"No, you can't!" She said after a pause, "tell Emmett no... Well, go after Emmett and Rosalie and bring them back." Another pause. "Think about it Jasper, if he sees any of us, what do you think he will do?" She nodded. "Exactly. I think Bella is the only chance—if there is a chance... I'll do everything that can be done, but prepare Carlisle, the odds aren't good."
My throat caught. I knew what that meant. Prepare Carlisle for Edwards death... and possibly ours.
My heard beat must have picked up because the next minute Alice's hand was in mine and she was rubbing it soothingly. "I love you." She finished the phone call and turned to us.
"I hate lying to him." She leaned back in her seat and closed her eyes.
"Tell us everything Alice." Bella begged, "I don't understand, why did you tell Jasper to stop Emmett, why can't they come help us?"
"Two reasons," she whispered sadly, "the first I told him—we could try to stop Edward ourselves; if Emmett could get his hands on him, we might be able to stop him long enough to convince him you're alive. But we can't sneak up on Edward. If he sees us coming for him, he'll just act that much faster. He'll throw a Buick through a wall or something and the Volturi will take him down."

Bella and I nodded in understanding, and Alice moved on.
"That's the second point Bella, the reason I couldn't say to Jasper. Because if my family is there and the Volturi kill Edward, Jasper and Emmett, Rosalie, Esme and Carlisle... They'll fight them." Alice looked at us beseechingly. "If there were any chance we could win... if there were a way that we could save my brother by fighting for him, maybe it would be different. But we can't, and Bella... I can't lose Jasper like that."
I nodded in understanding. You would do anything for the one you love.
"Couldn't Edward hear you, though?" Bella asked, "wouldn't he know, as soon as he heard your thoughts, that I was alive and there was no point to this?"

Alice shrugged, "If he were listening..." she hesitated, "but believe it or not, it's possible to lie with your thoughts. If you had died, I would still try to stop him. And I would be thinking 'she's alive, she's alive.' As hard as I could. He knows that."
Bella frowned in frustration. "Then... I understand why I'm needed, but why Julie?"
Alice sighed, regretful, and turned her attention on me.
"I need you to use your powers when we get to Volterra." She said plainly. "I'll have no idea where he is or what direction to point Bella in. I need you to find him for our best shot."
I gulped nervously, but nodded. The last time I tried finding someone and spread my powers out that far was the day they left. And I almost passed out as a result.
"I understand, just tell me when to start."

It wasn't until the second plane that Alice talked again, shaking Bella and I out of our sleep with glee in her eyes.
"What's wrong?" Bella mumbled, as disoriented as I was.
"It's not wrong." Alice smiled, "it's right! They're deliberating, but they've decided to tell him no."
"The Volturi?"
"Yes Bella, keep up. I can see what they're going to say."
"Well? Tell me!" Bella requested a little too loud and a few tired groans told her to be quiet.
"They're interested in him—they think his talent could be useful so they're going to offer him a place with them."
"What will he say?"
"I can't see yet, but I'll bet it's colourful." She smiled. "This is the first good news—the first break. They're intrigued, they truly don't want to destroy him—wasteful was the word Aro used. And that may be enough to force him to get creative. The longer he spends on his plans, the better for us."
In an instant the happy expression was plucked from Alice's face and she was pulled into another vision.
"What?" I asked eagerly, ready for more good news.
"Oh..." Alice breathed, "oh no..."
"What?" I repeated, nervous now.
"Aro... he read Edwards thoughts, and now he knows about you Julie.... And he's interested in the human with more power than a vampire."
"O-oh..." I stuttered.
"I know that you may not want to become a vampire Julie, but with his interest, and your short time left... you may not leave Volterra as human."

With a thousand thoughts clouding my brain, I blocked out the rest of the conversation and shook of the concerned words and touches, instead contemplating about my last few human hours. If it came down to it I would use my humanity as a bargaining chip for Ed's safety... but I hope it didn't.

I woke up to the pilot speaking over the intercom, announcing in French and then English that we were landing.
"How far is Florence to Volterra?" Bella asked.
"That depends on how fast you drive..." Alice drew off, clearly about to ask a question.
"Yes?" Bella pushed.
"How strongly are you opposed to grand theft auto?" She asked us, and before I knew it I was in a bright yellow Porsche.
"Sheesh Alice," Bella complained from the back seat. "Could you pick a more conspicuous car to steal?"
"The important question," Alice corrected, "is whether I could have stolen a faster car, and I don't think so. We got lucky."
"I'm sure that'll be comforting when the police set up a roadblock..." I muttered, gripping the car nervously from the high speeds.
"Trust me," Alice laughed, "if anyone sets up a roadblock, it will be behind us." To prove her point, Alice pushed down harder on the gas, and the country side turned even further into a blur.
"Have you seen anything else?" I asked nervously, starting to feel car sick from how fast we were going.
"There's something going on." Alice admit, "Some kind of festival. The streets are full of people and red flags. What's the date today?"
Bella hesitated but I answered with certainty, "the nineteenth."
"Well that's ironic," Alice quipped, "it's Saint Marcus Day."
"Which means?" Bella questioned.
Alice chuckled darkly. "The city holds a celebration every year. As the legend goes, a Christian missionary, father Marcus—who just so happens to be Marcus of the Volturi—drove all of the vampires from Volterra fifteen hundred years ago. The story claims he was martyred in Romania, still trying to drive away the vampire scourge. Of course that's nonsense—he's never left the city. But that's where some of the superstitions about things like crosses and garlic come from. Father Marcus used them so successfully. And of course the vampires don't trouble Volterra, so they must work."
I snorted, "oh yeah, I see the irony."
"Sant Marcus Day has become more of a celebration of the city and recognition for the police force, after all, Volterra is an amazingly safe city. The police get the credit."
From the rear view mirror, I saw Bella's eyes widen in understanding. "They're not going to be very happy if Edward messes things up for them on St. Marcus Day, are they?"
Alice shook her head tightly, "no. They'll act very quickly."

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