chapter 6

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At the party:

Jungkook: okay so stay here i grab some drinks for us.

Y/n : okay

After 5 minutes

Lisa : yah y/n what are you doing here?  You are not the type that comes to partys.

Y/n : ohh hi Lisa well jungkook asked me so I said yes.

Lisa : ohh okay then here take a drink.

Y/n : jung-

Lisa : nope I don't hear anything take it and come with me .

Said Lisa and dragged y/n on the dance floor.

Jungkook came back and didn't find y/n but before he could do something yoongi (a friend of jk ) dragged him to the pool.

Jungkook : yahh what the hell yoongi I have to find y/n.

Yoongi : chill bro you will find her okay just play with us for now only one round .

Jungkook : alright only one .

Time past and as  jungkook  remembered that you were with him he stood up and walked away telling his friends that he has to go somewhere.

Y/n on the other hand was dancing with a stranger  completely drunk. Lisa left some minutes ago to go to the bathroom. Jungkook saw her dancing with Luke the playboy. Jungkook was burning from anger and jealousy so he decided to walk up and take  y/n  away from him.

Jungkook: what the hell Luke why are you dancing with y/n? 

Luke: why is she something special to jungkook? For me she is an other slut that likes me.

Said Luke and that was it for jungkook he couldn't take it more. Jungkook punched several times Luke until he was bleeding. Jungkook took y/n and went home.

Jungkook : y/n you okay?

Y/n : Kºok? EvErYthiNg Is TuRniNg aRoUnd.

Jungkook: ohh my God y/n who much did you drink?

Y/n : 1 or 2

Jungkook : cups okay that's not so much .

Y/n: HaHahA No CuPs BotLes.

Jungkook : whatt !?!?

Jungkook : oh God.

At home :

Jungkook took y/n in bridal style and went upstairs to her room.  Jungkook couldn't find y/n's clothes so he just took one of his hoodies and changed y/n into that. He laid y/n  on the bed and covered her with the blanket.

Y/n : ahh

Jungkook: you shouldn't have drunk so much.

Y/n: sorry koo.

Jungkook: okay okay now just sleep.

Y/n : no no don't leave me please stay with me.

Said y/n and grabbed jungkook's sleeve that made him step a bit closer to her almost sleeping figure.

Jungkook : no y/n! you should sleep now goodnight.

Said jungkook and took y/n's hand and placed it on the bed and started walking but y/n cought him again but this time she cought him stronger and jungkook because of the sudden action fell and landed on y/n's lips. They kissed!!

Jungkook : umm cupcake what...

He said but when he saw your sleeping figure he stopped his sentence.

Jungkook : goodnight princess

Jungkook's mind

Was she sleeping when we kissed? Did she felt the same as i did.

All the night jungkook was repeating the same questions in his head.

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