07 - We'll kill them and throw them in the trash where they belong

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Wow, a punching bag seemed like fun. At least, that's what you thought. Right now, you're just laying down on your stomach, arms crossed, on the ground, staring at the equipment.

Ugh, this is so boring. I have the stuff to train with, I just... that looks like so much effort. Think, (y/n). Boredom or exhaustion?

Realizing that, either way, you were going to be exhausted mentally, you decided that working out physically would be a better idea. That is, if you actually knew what you were doing.

The book with fighting techniques? Absolute gibberish. 

The punching bag? Feels like it's made out of fucking steel and weighs a ton.

The weights? Just looking at them makes your arms hurt.

The gym clothes? ...okay, you had to admit that those were pretty comfy.

Motivation? Never heard of her. Must be hanging out with Deku right now, and is too occupied to pay you a visit, because there is no way you have enough mental determination to get up and even touch the training equipment.

But... you don't have anything else to do.

"Damnit, body. Let's fucking do this thing" you tried to give yourself a pep talk.

You got up with a groan, and turned towards the closet. You had folded the exercise clothes - out of boredom - and found the pile exactly where you left it. Grabbing some shorts and a tank top, since no one is going to see you working out anyways, you quickly changed from the current cotton tank top and oversized sweatpants you used as pajamas. The oversized clothing were really a stroke of luck, because you couldn't imagine any of the uptight men caring for such things.

"Okay, so now we... plan. Yeah. Let's check out the book thingy"

It was in Japanese. The notes, the actual text, basically everything except the drawings, which can't exactly be in a certain language now, can it? But... if this isn't a dream, how do you know another language? 

We'll have to figure that out later.

You flipped through the book, glancing at the sketches, showing the right position to be in for... a roundhouse kick? You'd heard that term before, but wasn't entirely sure what it meant. Flipping through some more , you saw punching techniques, kicking, self-defense, everything. Wow, this may actually be pretty helpful.

Now... what do you do? Do you just punch the bag? That's it? No, that's too simple. However, you don't exactly know what other options you had. Looking at the punching bag, you cocked your fist back and gave it your best hit.

That motherfucker didn't even budge.

"Ugh" you groaned, shaking your wrist in pain. Obviously, there's more to just "punching" than you were led to believe.

You flipped through the book, and found an entire section dedicated to punches.

"Well, fuck" you mumbled. "Alright, (y/n), let's be smart about this. How about I ask for paper and pencil, and we make a plan, instead of trying random shit? Yeah... that's a better idea"

Glad you'd found a reasonable excuse to avoid physical exercise, you tossed the booklet across the room and flopped down onto your bed for another prolonged uselessness session.


(Overhaul POV)

He should probably go to sleep.

Overhaul hadn't slept all night. Not because he was restless, or just couldn't fall asleep, but because he was up working. In rumors and stories about the young leader of the Yakuza, one thing was consistent:

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