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The sound of yelling and squeaking shoes was nothing new as you approached the gym. What was new, was the crowd that had gathered outside of the gym, everyone pushing to try and catch a glimpse of what's going on inside. 

I don't think Samu or Tsumu mentioned a practice game today...

As you push your way through the crowd, you can hear whispered and hushed mutters that are being exchanged between people. "The Miya twins are going at it!", "Osamu is kicking Atsumu's ass" and a few "holy shit" are to be heard. 

It didn't particularly concern you, arguments and physical fights were nothing new to your family or the twins. Making your way into the gym, you're greeted with the sight of Atsumu and Osamu fighting the the corner of the gym. Suna's recording the situation on his phone, still expressionless. The rest of the team, probably used to their antics by now, are merely standing by and watching as well. 

You can't really decipher what insults are being yelled at each other, but Osamu is definitely putting more effort into his punches than Atsumu seems to be. 

Walking up to Suna, you press your hand between his shoulder blades, "Posture." 

Suna straightens up ever so slightly. 

"So," You take your hand off Suna. "What happened today?"

Suna, not even glancing down at you, continues to watch the fight through his recording. "Atsumu was in top shape today, Osamu wasn't." 

"Huh..sounds about right." 

"...Are you not going to stop them?" 

"Stop them?" You scoff. "What am I supposed to do? They're going to crush me. Plus this is pretty funny." 

"Who won the last fight?" 


"No wonder Osamu is...going at it." 

You chuckle at Suna's point, a very right one. The two of you fall quite, continuing to watch the conflict. 

However, as the moments pass, your concern starts to grow. The insults being tosses are getting more and more vulgar. Both of the twins are throwing harder and harder punches. Only on a few occasions have their fights gotten to the point where it concerned you. 

"Uhm, Suna..." You instinctively grab his arm. The small touches the two have you have been exchanging has been increasing, as you guys get more comfortable with each other. 


"It's not...looking so good." The concern in your voice prompts Suna to glance away from his screen and at you. "Maybe, you should get Kita." 


Shit. Is he not home? 

You're about to ring the doorbell again when the door opens. 


"Could I do my homework here?" You ask sheepishly. "It's too quiet at home." 

Suna sighs, opening the door wider to let you in. 

"Didn't realize you could complain about silence with those two." 

After a harsh scolding from the coach and our mom, the house fell into a suffocating silence as Atsumu and Osamu sulked at opposite sides of the house. It was a pain just trying to get the two to sit next to each other as you bandaged the bruises and cuts on their face. 

𝑼𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑪𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒓𝒚 𝑩𝒍𝒐𝒔𝒔𝒐𝒎𝒔 - 𝒓. 𝒔𝒖𝒏𝒂Where stories live. Discover now