Log Entry Part 8

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King Dark stood up and blocked me. “You shouldn’t assume that I belong on your side.” He took out a dagger from underneath his belt.

            “Oh no!” Dark put his pale hands in front of him and turned away. “My weakness!” He got on one knee. “Small knives! Anything but knives!” He looked up quickly and flicked his fingers at King Dark. Small balls of black strands of darkness flew from each flick. King Dark deflected them with the dagger then looked at Dark.

            “You’ve slipped since I last talked to you.” King Dark commented as the others joined him.

            Dark slowly stood up and started laughing, “I haven’t the faintest idea what you’re talking about.”

            “How are those scars?” Demon spoke from behind us.

            King Dark turned around and didn’t move. I saw a glow from beside me, though. A moment later a fireball flew from Light’s hand.

            Demon dodged it easily.

            “Still want to fight?” Light asked, turning to Dark.

            “Of course,” Dark’s creepy smile got worse. “Why wouldn’t I?”

            “Wh…What if I don’t want to fight?” Tim asked. His voice was shaky and reflected how scared his was.

            Dark’s eyes turned to Tim then he moved over to him and towered over him. “You don’t have a choice, Tiny.” His eyes focused on Hero as he stepped between them and pushed him away from Tim. Dark simply laughed.

            “Hero! Look out!” Light shouted as he watched Demon move.

            Demon threw Tim to the wall and grabbed Hero’s shoulder, threw him into the couch and Dark joined him. Hero got up and put his hand on his back for a moment.

            King Dark’s dagger flew passed me and Dark dodged it. He looked up at King Dark smiling. “Ooooh, someone’s upset.” He said as he threw a ball of tendrils at King Dark’s hand. It caught his skin and grappled around it. It pulled him to the wall and held him up so his feet couldn’t touch the ground.

            He glared at Dark and moved to get his sword. Dark threw another at his hand and it pinned his hand to the wall. King Dark looked pissed but couldn’t move as Dark hit his ankles as well.

            Light moved to protect me. He shielded me with his wings and faced Demon and Dark with his sword.

            I looked to see what was happening to King Dark. Dark moved in front of him and held himself up to King’s face with a platform of black tendrils. He moved King Dark’s hand and stuck it to the wall, completely pinning him down. He dug his fingers under his armor and pulled off his chest piece. He dropped it and clawed through the layers of clothes King Dark wore, exposing his chest.

            King Dark kept glaring at Dark, “I will never join you.”

            Light pushed me back into the wall and his sword clashed with Demon’s hand. He held him in place.

            I looked back at King Dark. Dark was holding his neck. Black tendrils crossed his skin and moved up his face.

            “You don’t have a choice, your highness.” Dark growled and smiled as it covered his eyes, turning them all black.

            “No!” Light yelled and tried to get something from his pocket but Demon pushed on the sword at that exact moment. Light was forced to put his other hand back on the sword handle. “Mark!” He glanced back at me. “Get the communicator out of my pocket!” He kept his eyes on Demon. “We need Hawk’s help!”

            I looked at Light and nodded. I looked at Demon. His eyes locked onto mine and I didn’t move.

            “Mark!” Light yelled. I looked at him and he was watching Demon. “Move!” He pushed Demon back a little bit. I jumped forward and reached into Light’s pocket. “Whoa!” He jumped, “Other one genius!” Demon clashed with his sword again as I reached into his other pocket and pulled out a small device with a round screen on it. “Press the button on the side and…” Demon lunged forward. Light pushed me backwards again.

            I hit the wall pretty hard and saw that Demon was watching me. I looked down at the screen and pushed the button. Nothing happened. “Light, what do I do...”

            “What’s wrong Light?” She shouted from the other side. She sounded angry. I heard explosions from her side. I think she cussed too.

            “Hold the button down Mark!” I did what Light said. “Hawk we need help!”

            “I’m a little busy right now Light!” She sounded like she was putting effort into something. “Watch it, Drez!” She shouted at someone else. After a few moments she came back to the communicator and spoke like she was out of breath. “What’s wrong Light?”

            He was preoccupied with Demon who jolted around his sword.

            I breathed in sharply and screamed when Demon put his hand on my throat. “Light!”
 I screamed and clutched the communicator.

            “Mark.” She whispered. She shouted a lot of words in some alien language and the line went dead.

            “No one can save you now!” Demon shouted in my face.

            I looked for Light. Dark was holding onto his arms behind his back and kept his claws to his throat. King Dark was still on the wall but his skin was covered in the black tendrils. Hero had been pinned down as well, by Dark’s tendrils. He was looking at me.  

            I gasped for breath as Demon pressed his hand into my neck. I struggled to free myself and grabbed at his hand. Demon pressed his other hand into my stomach and pinned me to the wall. I felt something snake like move down my stomach and cover my legs. I couldn’t move. I couldn’t breathe.

            I heard Light yell from where Dark held him but my blood coursed through my ears and I couldn’t hear what he was saying. But I stopped hearing much of anything a moment later. The room started to darken until it all turned black. 

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