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016 | redfield


━━ Since Renee had last spoke or even seen Kiara and John B. They had stuck to the plan of going back to JJ's house, Renee was checking her phone every few minutes as she sat on top of JJ's bed. along with JJ who was too anxiously awaiting his fathers unpleasant return home.

They had since migrated to the back of Heyward's shop, dropping off The van at the chateau with the hopes of seeing John B which they didn't, and decided to walk all the way into the middle of town at the slow pace their tired aching legs would drag them at.

and now, Renee sat herself on top of JJ's lap in the deck chair almost half asleep, her head pushed back to the crook of his neck and JJ playing with the woven self made jewellery on her wrist.

She felt at ease, maybe because she had just smoked a blunt with JJ and the sight of the light on the water was making her giddy or because she was with him. Either or, but she wasn't exactly sure.

" do you ever think John B's gonna realise his dad isn't coming back?" Renee broke the comforting silence, Pope looking up and sighing.

Renee didn't wait for a answer from the other boys but continued to speak, " I hope so and soon, I hate seeing him like this." her voice was slowed from the intoxication she was under but so surely wearing off.

" I know it's hard, to admit that they're gone." she spoke softly, digging into the box of grieving memories she had internally placed in the back of her mind " but it's better afterwards, you accept it and don't have to keep wondering what if."

JJ moved his other hand to stroke her lengths of hair, although it was knotted in places he still liked to do it. His eyes looking at Renee whilst her eyes shifted from the passing boats on the marsh and a glimpse of a smile on her lips as she watched them.

He was sure he liked her, I mean who couldn't. She was the most beautiful people that JJ had seen walk on the earth , one of a kind kind of beauty. But it was Renee.

It wasn't as simple as asking her on a date; maybe when she was a kook but not now. She was his best friend, well technically his best friend he had slept with.

His right hand lady when John B wasn't available and even when he was if he had a choice it was and would always be Renee.

She was too a pogue, meaning that she wouldn't break the rules further than they already had and also she wouldn't let him break them either. Despite how much JJ had wanted too. What he would give just to kiss her in front of the other pogues, a bit 'f you' to the stupid rules.

" I just want him to get better." she finished before returning to the silence beforehand.

" me too ren, me too." JJ hummed softly, both too dazed to notice Pope's furrowed eyebrows and a nothing less than confused expression that painted his face.

The three turned their head at the sight of the van pulling up beside them, it would have been a lie if they all didn't feel a heavy weight fall off their shoulders seeing John B. Healthy and luckily not in jail.

" let's ride!" he whooped, joined by JJ and Pope whilst Renee shook her head. Grabbing her backpack and moving towards the van, hand linked with JJ's (of course).


━━ Renee called out as her eyes landed on the brunette hovering a brush over a can of paint on the countertop.

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