Chapter 1

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Hey all! Hope you will enjoy this! I love drawing her so each chapter will probably have a different version of her, and I'm going to put my heart and soul into each chapter so please please don't give me any hate... Help is nice but don't be mean about it. If I misspell anything just tell me, and don't and I mean DON'T try to take Nateua, I drew her myself and I will be mad if I come across something and she is there, if you want to use her, get my permission first, and tag me and give me the credit I deserve for her. Now I know author notes suck and this one is long but I just wanted my point to go across due to I have worked really hard on her. And updates may be slow but this will NEVER be discontiued as long as I live.

Anyways enjoy!

Nateua's pov

I was walking to Izuku's school like usual, I go to a private school and I'm usually hiding myself when I'm out in public.

I'm a model and a vigilante, so it would be bad if anyone knew either or.

"Nat!" Izu said as he ran over to me after getting out of the tunel "I thought you had modeling today?"

"Of course I do but I've never gone without you have I?" I was slightly taller then my best friend but not all that tall.

"No you haven't, also the league wants us to infiltrate UA... Shiggy is so demanding when it comes to work ugh..." Izu said as we were walking to my job.

"I know right? But then again the only reason why we're in the league is because your dad is all for one and your dating Shiggy. Kinda your fault if you ask me" I say with my usual sas that he's used to, seeing as I've been like this since we were children.

"Yeah yeah Nateua, just get your job done while I raid the snack table of all the lolipops" I laughed, that's usually what he does, and we get away with it.

-time skip-

As we walk out he hands me a bag, it had a box in it, so we sat at the park and I opened the box, it had CAKE! I have a major sweet tooth, and it's not related to my quirk.

So that's what we did for the day, ate cake in the park haha. That's not the only thing though, sadly, we had to go to the league and report from our mission two days back, yeah we couldn't exactly report seeing as Izu was just dieing not to go, and we only head together when reporting, so that's what we didn't do.

-few months time skip-

Today is the entrance exam, and Izuku is dieing he had to act like a fanboy a few months back and All might practically 'crushed his dreams' way to go number one hero, crushing a boys dreams.

Anywho now we're in the auditorium thingy and President mic is yelling things about the entrance exams, then a boy who went to the school I went to, Iida Tenya, being the stick in the mud he is, mentioned the forth robot.

"Well he was probably just getting there Iida!" I said, I was sitting behind him, and I said it loud enough for Izuku to hear.

He made pff noise and Iida turned to him and started saying to take it seriously, eXuSe YoU?! He wIlL not!

I giggled at my thoughts and sooner or later we all were infront of big doors. I couldn't hear much but I think I saw Iida talking to Izuku, the doors opened and me and Izu ran in.

"What are you waiting for? In a real fight there is no count down!" I just barely heard, me and Izu had gotten alot of robots, I think we both had an estimate of 340 points?

Then the Zero pointers showed up, seeing as this is a hero school, there's no reason for a zero pointer other then for the rescue points, Izuku had figured this out too because he pointed to the girl under the rocks.

We ran over and she helped move the rock a bit, Izuku and I then moved to look at the zero pointer and we both nodded.

Izuku started running up the zero pointer until he got to a loose plate and he took it off, all the while I ran up a wall of a building and waited for Izu's signal.

He looked over at me and I jumped into the robots systems, with my quirk I can go into any system, even if it's not electrical, and analyze it. So it was easy to tell Izu which cords to cut for it to override and explode, when I told him I jumped down grabbed the girls hand and ran away.

The second Izu cut it, I threw the girl and ran to catch Izuku who had jumped.

I caught him and the robot exploded as I put him down.

Then recovery girl showed up and tried to heal us, my horns had a healing ability though so that wasn't very useful to us.

Within the next week we had gotten the news of 'pass or fail' which we passed flawlessly. So we have the next day to pack for dorms, I of course had to tell them of my job before I took the test so they'll allow me to take Izuku with me after school to my job, then at night we'll do our vigilante work.

So the next day was full of Shiggy threatening us, AFO trying to give me new quirks, me telling the modeling agency that I'm going to a hero school so I won't be able to model as often, Izuku getting told by his mom to not be outcasted again. Stuff like that and the next day, we'll be going to UA for the first day of school, in class 1-A.

How did you like it? Did you enjoy the first chapter? I hope you did as much as I loved writing it. Also, Nateua's quirk is System update, no one other then the League of Villains and Izuku + his mom, know this. System update is the reason she has the horns as well, it is a quirk that 'updates' when the user wants, her horns are the main source, which also hold the healing part of it. And when the throw in a villain or hero who had done wrong, Izuku and Nateua have a piece of paper with them that they write on telling the police why they threw them out, they are vigilantes but 'work' with the league and the reasons are at the beginning of this chapter.

Bye bye now! Be ready for the next chapter, I will try to update as much as I can seeing as I love Nateua, but I read and draw more. But I promise the more I draw Nateua the more I'll update.

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