Chapter Fifteen

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Ophelia DeLevisay

Narcissa asks me to give her a hand in the kitchen, so the for the duration before dinner, I spent most of the time answering all her persistent questions and peeling potatoes.

"I am so sorry about earlier, it caught me completely off guard,"

"No, no honestly it's okay, I just had to play off it in front of him, but it is nice to properly meet you, I'm sorry I couldn't have met you before the initiation to touch base a bit,"

"My dear, don't worry about it, how is he doing, Draco and the task?"

"He's getting there... it's hard to tell...we had a bit of rough start getting to know each other...but we are well acquainted now..."

"He has a little bit of a tricky personality to navigate, never really know what he's thinking, and his actions don't conventionally align with his intentions. Ever since he was chosen and after what happened at the Ministry-"

"Narcissa, you don't need to explain yourself or the reasoning behind his behaviour. At one point I did think he had figured me out but it's okay, everything is following to plan and on track so far,"

"What makes you think he knew why you're here...?"

"Well, I had to find a way to see his progress, so I just excused myself from class and went to find him got a little bit...heated... and I almost let it slip but it's okay, I quickly diverted the conversation, and he really didn't want me to be here so-"

"Are you focused, Ophelia?...You know what rests on your shoulders right now is serious, you were selected for a reason and I completely agree with Their decision to choose you for this task but...Draco is my boy...and his life depends on he can't afford distractions. He has owl-ed me a few times and mentioned you on more than one occasion. He's never mentioned a girl to me before. He never told me about Pansy until they 'broke up'...Well I mean...he took her to the annual ball a few times but never really disclosed anything...all I'm saying is try not to distract each other, I know what you teens are like-" She waffles on.

Caught like a doe in headlights, the knife slips and nips my thumb slightly after hearing that Draco had told his mother about me, I wince from the sting.

What did he say to her...? Oh god, please nothing about Formi, I can't express how much I regret that. I was genuinely so stupid to let him touch me.

I said what I said to Draco because...I wanted to hurt him for hurting me. I didn't mean it, I would never. I can't stop thinking about the way he kissed me, he has a hold on me, a tight grip that won't let go of my heart.

"Oh dear, run your finger under that tap, it should be fine," She directs me to the marble sink and copper piping as she continues to peel the remaining potatoes. "Oh, that reminds me. Can you dance my dear?" She smiles at me.

"Erm...well, I did ballet for a few years but that's it... is this the year to commemorate the families of the Sacred Twenty-Eight?" I slowly respond with a curiosity-riddled voice.

"Yes dear, this year is also in conjunction to celebrate Draco's initiation, you're success would have as been included but-"

"Narcissa, I understand. I have attended these before, but I don't dance, unless extremely intoxicated," a hideous snort escapes my mouth while holding my thumb.

She looks at me sternly, not amused by my comment. I see where Draco gets that look from.

"We take this very seriously, Ophelia. It's holds a lot of meaning for this family and all those who attend, a well-founded tradition, so over the next week you will learn and practice please. Draco is nervous as it is, I don't want anything to go wrong. And once Eden is home, I will take yourself and Eden to have your measurements taken for your dresses,"

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