💙 Eclipse 💙

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Name: Eclipse (Eclipse the weirdo.)

Age: Unknown....... Jk I am a teenager, but to stay slightly more private I'm not specifying certain things and stuff for privacy reasons anyway. Xx

Hobbies: Dancing, singing and performance skills overall and some good old drama/ acting. I enjoy lots of creative hobbies, if you couldn't tell. Oh but I almost forgot, I love Sports such as running  and swimming, swimming being my favorite. But I also enjoy things like netball, basket ball athletics ect... too!

Pets: A big white floofy kitty with big green eyes and bushy black to white tip tail. He is a very sweet cat. Unless you pick him up. Only my family can do that without him getting upset.

Star sign: Cancer,  and I can confirm i'm emotional like a cancer.

I'm sorry to you all if you wanted me to have more to be said but that's the main gist of me but I do have one thing I want to say to everyone.

No matter how your feeling low/ or high or whatever your going through/ may be going through at the moment. Know that there will always be someone who loves you and cares about you. It doesn't matter if its 1 person or more, there will always be someone. And if you ever feel like giving up don't, talk to someone and keep fighting I know we can all make it through if we help each other. Keep fighting and never give up. If you feel no one cares, we care; we may not know you, but that doesn't mean we don't care about you; Or what you may be going through. So if you ever in a state where you don't think you can turn to friends and family, (which should I should mention, should be the first people you try to speak to unless you feel it would endanger you or  not be the right way to help you emotionally) then, speak to Childline or other websites to help you, or us if you would rather not speak to ChildLine. That's the whole reason we made this chat to spread awareness, and help those going through tough times / we can also just be the people you can come vent to and we will listen. Also you don't need to tell us any personal information. You can just come talk to us, if you feel you need to vent to someone; or get some advice from us.

As we have all gone through different and similar experiences to one another, and if we ever think one of our other members understand your problems more we can always get them to come speak to you at the nearest time we can get them to help you and speak to you.

Anyway back to point one, as that's enough about our account. But know your worth it each and every one of you, and no matter your opinion on yourself. I hope one day or even now you can learn/ have learned to love yourself and who you are as a person. As no one is perfect, you just be yourself, and no one can tell you otherwise or expect any more than that, As you amazing just the way you are. 

Anyway I have now said far too much and probably bored most of you to death reading this lol. so anyway I hope your all doing well and that this may have helped you in anyway. But enjoy yourself and stay safe!

Eclipse Xx 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2021 ⏰

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