(8) new arrivals

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Y/n woke up before Midas and she decided to go back to her room. She quickly ran over to her room and grabbed some comfortable clothes to take a shower

She turned on the warm water, locking the bathroom door and got in. She sighed as the warm water went over her bruises and wounds, blood slowly running down her body

Y/n spent about an hour in the shower, making sure she washed her body and cleaned her hair. She finished changing and brushing her hair and decided to go down to the lounge room

It was 7 am and everyone was starting to wake up. Before going to the lounge room she stopped by the kitchen to make something quickly

She decided on some potatoes and toast, and put equal amounts in multiple plates. She set them on the counter of the kitchen and walked over to the lounge room

Y/n looked around and didn't see anyone. She turned on the tv and put on Disney+. She heard noises and saw the other agents enter the room with the food plates

Brutus had his mouth full as he spoke, "Did you make this y/n?"

Y/n smiled and nodded, "Just a few minutes ago actually. Are they good?"

Tina rolled her eyes and growled in a sarcastic voice, "No they're absolutely disgusting"

Skye gasped and widened her eyes at Tina, "Don't be mean!"

Y/n smiled warmly and chuckled, "It's okay, I'm not a fan of them either"

Then Midas walked in the room. He saw all the agents and just grunted, then he left the room. All the agents looked at each other and y/n rolled her eyes at him

Y/n cleared her throat lightly, "Alright who wants to watch Marvel?" All the agents cheered and threw themselves on the big U shaped couch

*time skip*

They all watched movies for hours until they heard commotion outside. There were henchman yelling and a few gunshots could be heard

All the agents shot up and grabbed their guns. Y/n jumped over the couch grabbing her combat shotgun and strapped her light machine gun (powerful girl oooh) to her back

Y/n ran outside first and yelled at the henchman, "Stop shooting!!! STOP"

They all stopped and looked at her. She had her hand raised up in a signal as she approached the three people there

Y/n gripped her shotgun and her eyes went to scan all three of them, "Who are you and why are you here?"

The guy stepped up and put his hands out, "We all come in peace. I'm Adrian"

Y/n noticed he had a mask in his hand, probably part of his uniform or suit

One of the girls stepped up, her eyes suspicious and hard, "Who exactly are you? We're here to visit the leader of ghost, not his side whore"

Y/n lifted her shotgun and walked up to her, pointing it straight at her head, "Don't fucking test me bitch"

Y/n scowled and rolled her eyes as the girl stepped back. Adrian stepped up and apologized, "I'm sorry for my sister. Her name is Cora and she's known for her temper" He glared at his sister on the last words

Y/n nodded and lowered her weapon, turning to the second girl, "And you?"

The girl smiled, "I'm Emmerson, but feel free to call me M"

Y/n nodded and was about to speak but Midas stepped outside. He looked around and signaled for the henchman to leave

The agents all had their weapons in their grip, but they lowered them to the ground

Midas glanced at y/n and then back to the newcomers, "Why are you here?"

Cora smiled at Midas, "We're here to talk to you about joining ghost. We've been looking into the war and we realize that shadow doesn't stand a chance. We think we can help you win"

Midas nodded slowly while thinking, "Alright, follow me. Agents, return to doing whatever you were doing"

Y/n looked at the Emmerson and smiled, she looked familiar...


i am literally so sorry for not updating. i've been really unmotivated to continue this story but i'm hoping to make a final return!!

hopefully i can upload 1-2 chapters per day! these three new characters will be introduced more in the next chapters (they are fortnite skins)

i also had potatoes today for breakfast so i decided to add it lmao

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