what did i do?

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its 13:36, the interview is at 14:00, why am i nervous im never nervous before an interview, we can do this ive done it before whats different about this one."NIALL COME ON OR WE'RE GONNA BE LATE" liam shouted,"i swear he has no patience" i sighned "IM COMMING IM JUST DOING MY COLLAR" i shouted back. Why do i feel sick, "nothing bads gonna happen" i mumbled a few times, "ughh come on, its just this interview and thats it then you can just chill" i thought to myself "NIALLL" omg "IM COMING" here gose nothing *sigh*

As Paul was driving i couldnt stop thinking something bads gonna happen and trust me its not a nice feeling. im going to be sick, i cant feel my face, whats happ- "niall... you okay" i looked over too a concerned harry *sigh* "whats wrong" "nothing, you just look pale.. like really.. pale, niall are you sure your alright bud"no im not im going to vomit *sigh* but i dont want him to worrie so i looked over and just said "dunno what your on about mate because i feel fab" i laughed at the last word because i dont really but it worked, harrys talking to lou now. *cough**cough**cough* oh fuck sake dont you start. Its about five minutes now and i cant feel my legs, am i okay??! i better be because i am not going to worrie the boys they have enough stress as it is, i know its just nerves but i just want to know why are they this bad, anyway im stressing too much we're nearly there now "deap breathe niall" i mumbled, just in time too "right we are here now, there isnt any fans BUT that dosesn't mean you can wonder off"... why is he only staring at me "niall stop pounting it makes you look dumb" ouch *sigh* "anyway straight there boys no messing".

I started walking into the building when "oh its you, you know i wouldnt off thought that you would of come after what you did" spitting directly at me "ugh, what the fuck did i do, i am not in the mood.. lady" inmediately regretting my choice of words *SLAP* shiiittt that stings "what the FUCK" "what did you say to me" i swear there was steam coming out of her nose here "i didn't say shit babe, this was all YOU" "you know what you ungratfull cow" wow another cow whats more to come *sigh* "you did this to yourself horan... im going to leave BUT dont you DARE think yoour getting away with this" watching her slam the door i-i i just.. break "WHAT DID I DO *smash*... shit *sob* why, why do i do this *sob* am i that bad that im being blamed for shit i didnt do??!. looking at my now bloody hand, liam enters with a worried look on his face "niall!!?, oh niall omg i thought we lost you where the fuc- niall, whats that"  looking to see what he was on about i realise its about my hand "its nothing" i barely say "liam can i ask you something" looking up to him feeling so weak "always bup" liam shifts to the sidde off me waiting for me too speak "am i go-" "opps sorry mate but we've been called to the show, come on" i guess that my answer im not *cough* ugh go away cough.

Its show time niall, happy face.. check, hand all bandge up .. check, "and ready to go in 3,2,1 go",i wonder whats it like to be harry you know the one with all the attention and can never do 'anythink wrong' that would be nice, smilling at the thought louis choses to barge into my world with an irritated look on his face that could kill me "niall"he snapped "parrdon, yes what" "this kind man has asked you a question now answer" i looked at him with fear.. why am i scared, sice when have i bee scared of louis "what a slow idiot" i heard him say above a whisper, clearing my throat i asked "could you please repeat the question" glancing to the side to see louis rolling his eyes.. ouch " of course, where would you be if you weren't famous" the man starred waiting for an answer " urm good question first of all, and i would of loved to hopf-" "hofully be fucking dead" someone shouted i looked over my eyes covered in hurt i was about to turn and make a run for it when i saw liam and harry laughing theres heads off. i just ran and ran untill i coulnt run anymore.

Its been about an hour now im still running all though i do feel like a unicorn righ now its wierd whys this happerning. my eyes red as blood, tears after tears, i coulnt breathe, i feel my legs turn to jelly i couldnt stand any longer i thought, im thirsty are you thirsty,  god im so hot why am i sweating so much, ooo i like this one what this, the resting off time i thought as i started to feel faint. about to drift of i heard a vert faint "niall" "huh thats wierd, whos niall" i mumbeld right before i passed out.

A/n : 899 words on this chapter defently the logest one so far but i just wanted to apolojised fot bad grammer and spelling its never been my best lol. love you all

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2020 ⏰

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