The Festival Begins

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Aizawa was too tired for this. True he was usually too tired for most things, but this...

"I honestly expected this from Bakugo, but between the two of you I had hope you, Midoriya, would be the one to keep public displays of affection to a minimum." Izuku rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly at that. "Do you care to explain what exactly that was back there? I understand you two finally settled your differences and improved your relationship drastically. What I don't understand is why you thought it appropriate to kiss during a training exercise."

"To be fair, Aizawa-sensei, you did say the purpose of this exercise was for us to use our opponents' weaknesses against them, and in this particular situation my charm actually worked rather well as a distraction so Ojiro-kun could slip past unnoticed."

Bakugo shrugged halfheartedly. "Deku and Tail Guy did win fair and square."

"It's Tail Man, Kacchan. Or just Ojiro."


The elder man sighed. "While I appreciate your... adaptability to a situation, your 'charm' as you put it only works in one extremely specific situation."

"Two, actually."


"The villain Toga Himiko would probably fall for my charm as well. She has a bit of a crush on me as far as I can tell. Or maybe she just enjoys seeing me when I'm covered in blood? Or maybe—"

"You know what? I don't care. From now on keep that 'charm' skill of yours out of training; end of discussion."

"Yes, Aizawa-sensei..."

With that Izuku walked away with a snickering Bakugo, who was trying to hide his snarky grin underneath his gloved hand.

"You're lucky it was him that chewed me out, you know." Izuku said dryly as they both began to make their way back to the locker rooms to change into their regular clothes. "I think All Might wanted to give you the shovel talk then and there, but Aizawa-sensei convinced him that you weren't the instigator this time and that I was the one that needed to be talked to. I think All Might is prepared to give you the shovel talk at any moment though."

Bakugo sobered up at that. Even a retired All Might was still a force to be reckoned with.

"Anyway," he continued while removing his white gloves, "can you believe the festival is tomorrow morning? I think I'm getting nervous again. Our last run through is tonight, and even if it goes as well as last night's practice I'm scared I'm going to choke in front of all of those people. You know I'm no good in front of a crowd!"

"By yourself you're not, definitely."

Izuku gave him a blank look. "Wow. Thanks for the words of encouragement, Kacchan."

"Let me finish, ya damn nerd! I was going to say you're not going to be alone up there, so there's nothing for you to be worrying about. You'll be surrounded by friends and people who support you and all that lovey-dovey shit you always spout. So just calm down already."

"But I can't," Izuku whined. "How do you stay so level-headed in front of hundreds of people?"

"Deku, you're asking the asshole who told an entire stadium he was going to be number one for advice. Unless you want the audience pissed at you I'd advise just being yourself. You're going to do fine. We'll blow the rest of the student body away without breaking a sweat."

Izuku smiled at his boyfriend appreciatively. "I'm glad you have such confidence in me, Kacchan. I just really don't want to disappoint anyone. I mean even our parents are going to be there for the noon and evening performances."

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