Proposal in Blood

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Quirk: Crystallize - user can create crystal formations resembling quartz. Quirk is almost identical to Shoto Todoroki's ice but with white crystals. User cannot use quirk if hands are immobilised or out of commission.

Can't get one fucking moment of peace in this god damned city. Y/N thought as she slammed another low-level villain into the tarmac. None of the villains that had tried to blow up the bridge crossing the river were terribly powerful or capable of mass destruction, but there were a lot of them, and an exhausted ache ran through her limbs as more and more thugs seemed to appear out of thin air. Several thrashing men were pinned to the ground by thick blankets of crystal.

Y/N and Katsuki had known that choosing lives as pro heroes would result in little to no down time, the daily threat of serious injury and death, although Katsuki was in denial of the possibility of the latter, and a tight strain on their relationship. But in this case, their shared stubbornness had come in handy, neither party giving in to the stress and anxiety of their careers, refusing to part with one another no matter how many nights were spent separate when they fell asleep at their desks, or seated in hospital rooms in floods of tears with shaking hands and a burning need for revenge. They were the power couple, #2 pro hero Ground Zero, and #4 pro hero Amethyst.

Katsuki and Y/N had been half-asleep on their couch when the phone had started ringing. Ignoring work calls was out of the question when work involved saving the lives of the public, so with a groan, Y/N had tipped herself off of her boyfriend's chest, mumbling a groggy "useless motherfuckers" which elicited a deep chuckle from Katsuki.

Three minutes later, the two had raced out of the house, still pulling on pieces of their hero costumes and breaking every known traffic rule as they sped towards the threat of a collapsing bridge.

Y/N had wasted no time, jumping out of the car before it had fully stopped moving and slamming her hands down to the tarmac of the collapsing structure. Pillars of crystal encased the crumbling bridge supports, holding the foundation together to stop the structure and everyone on it from falling into the river below.

Explosions and the occasional cry of pain came from all directions as pro heroes fought to clear the bridge of civilians while keeping the attacks at bay. Y/N let out a frustrated growl as her left hand dropped from its position, the job of keeping the thugs imprisoned with crystals now burdening her right hand alone.

She flung her left hand out in front of her, razor sharp shards of crystal filling the air before turning on the approaching villains, intent on taking her out. She watched several pairs of eyes fill with uncertainty as they watched the hero before them, and a tired smirk spread across her face. A tidal wave of glass-like crystals pursued the fleeing men, threatening to tear them to shreds before Y/N caught herself. Despite their crimes, Y/N was no murderer, and changed her course of action before she could impale them, instead deciding to leave them pinned to the ground.

She hung her head in exhaustion for only a few seconds, the weight of hours of fighting making her eyelids droop ever so slightly, but long enough for one man to notice an opening.

The surrounding commotion drowned out the sound of the man charging towards her, Y/N, completely focused on not losing consciousness, was oblivious to the rapidly approaching threat until it was right on top of her.

The man, significantly larger than Y/N in both height and width, tackled the hero, sending them both flying backwards and over the edge of the ruined bridge.

Y/N didn't scream as she fell, her brain automatically going into auto-pilot to shove the villain away from her. Her quirk proved useless against the water rushing up to meet her; crystals would do nothing to pad the impact.

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