annoyed pt.2

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That's what I look like btw^


She didn't answer me and put me down as she saw another car pull into the driveway.


"What!? Who is that?" I asked, scared and confused. She sat there staring at the car. There was a woman in there.

"My mom." She said with a im going to get killed look on her face. Her mom got out of the car and slammed the door. "Both of you inside. Now." Her mom said in a serious voice. Welp fuck Ag's going to get her ass ripped.

"Now I swear to God Anna fucking Grace McDaniels if you leave school early to fuck one more girl I will beat the life out of you. And don't think I can't I made you so I can kill you." Her mom yelled at her and walked closer to her. Ag looked like she was going to shit herself. I guess she's scared of her mom. But did I hear her correctly? She skips to hook up with people? What the hell.

"Mama im sorry but I didn't skip to have sex with her, I promise! Plz dont slap me." I tried to defend herself. She started tearing up. "Now tell me how many times have you said that! Come on now do you think i'm stupid!? I know when you're lying I'm your mother you have the same face i do when i lie!" her mom scolded her.

Ag was crying so much and I have no clue why but i hate seeing her cry. Everyone was quiet for a bit and then Ag whispered something but no one could hear her, and i guess her mom thought she was talking back by the look on her face.


I jumped and Ag was holding the side of her face. Ag's mom was standing there shaking her head. "I SWEAR TO GOD AS IF YOU KEEP SKIPPING SCHOOL, HOOKING UP WITH RANDOM GIRLS, TALKING BACK, SNEAKING OUT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT THEN YOUR GOING TO MOVE TO NEW MEXICO TO LIVE WITH YOUR FATHER!" her mom was beyond mad. Ag looked terrified when she said she's going to live with her dad.

"No no no no please mama you can't make me live with that bastard. I promise I'll be better just please don't make me live with him. I can't stand him not after what he did to me." Ag was sobbing and it broke my heart. I couldn't help but wonder what he did. Her mom looked so hurt.

"Fine. i won't make you see him. But you have one week to do everything perfectly. And tomorrow you will clean this house top to bottom spot less. I want it to look like we just moved in. you will also be cooking every meal this weekend. No sneaking out. No bringing girls home. No skipping school, not even one class. Don't even be late one min." Her mom was scary. She turned to me and just looked at me and sighed.

"Ag you need to take her home and apologize to her parents." her mom commanded Ag. I sat there in terror because I knew my dad was already wasted and my mom was probably on drugs and I was going to get beat.

"Ma'am can i talk to you?" I asked with tears in my eyes and one tear rolling down my cheek. She nodded her head and we walked into a different room.

"I can't go home, im sorry but i can't.'' I cried trying to be quiet. "Why can't you?" Ag's mom was confused. " I know my dads are already drunk and my mom has probably already taken 4 pills and I really can't stand being around them when they are like that because they will-" I started rambling but her mom stopped me.

"If that happens every day i can't let a child go back to a house like that. I understand how you feel Ag's father did the same thing, so Ag understands how you feel. You can stay with us." her mom said with her hand on my shoulder. She hugged me and i didnt want to let go. She held my face and whispered "everything will be okay" . I nodded my head and we went back to the dining room and Ag was sitting there playing with her hair and wiping her face. She looked up and looked up at me.

"I'm not letting this young lady go home to what she's dealing with.'' her mom said looking at Ag. she said i could stay in Ag's room but when we are both up there we need to leave the door cracked or open. I went up to her room and did some homework as Ag did dishes. Well that was one hell of a day. Ag came up and sat in front of me. She was just staring at me.

"What?" I said, giving a half smile. "You never told me your parents are abusive." she said all superuser but making sure i knew she cared. "Well that's because we hated each other's guts for the past 6 years, i didn't really think you or anyone for that matter of fact would care" i said rubbing my eye so i wouldn't cry. She hugged me and she started crying. I let go and laid down and patted the bed telling her to lay down.

We just laid there talking about happy things trying to lighten up the mood. We ran out of things to talk about and just stared at each other. She checked to see if her mom was out there but she heard her mom making popcorn. She turned back to me, leaned in and kissed me. I smiled into the kiss and she pulled away.

"i love you Y/n" she whispered to me. "I love you too Ag" I whispered and just sighed. I rolled over and closed my eyes. Ag placed her arms around me and kissed the back of my head. I felt safe for the first time in forever.  

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